ACE -- January 2nd

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      "What do you mean you kissed her?

      "Really Little Ell?  You and Brighton don't do enough of it for you to know what kissing is?  If I remember correctly I've had to tell him multiple times that no matter how disgustingly in love you two are, that you are still the baby sister and if he didn't keep the PDA to a minimum I'd rip his tongue out."   Well then Hunter Dane.  Somebody was a little overly aggressive.  Clearly, Beau didn't listen to that threat at all.

      "I wasn't talking to you H.  Trenton and Kodie have been whatever they are for three years...and he just kissed her?"

      "I mean we were going off to kick that guy's ass from the bar."  That is not an explanation at all Trenton.

      "Trenton Maddox Ellington.  That's neither here nor there and you know it.  She has literally seen you off on airplanes to god knows what fucking sandboxes and you've never kissed her before?"

       He fell back on the sand and ran his hands down his face.  "uuuugggghhhh  I should have just kept it to myself.  Clearly she didn't tell you so clearly it didn't mean anything to her."

      I swacked him in the stomach making him jerk.  "Have you talked to her since then?  Because I swear to god Maddox if you tell me that you took tags off, kissed her, beat some guy to probably an inch of his life and then haven't talked to her since, then I will kill you right now."  I noticed Hunter flinch which further cemented my thoughts on him and Bristol had something happen that night at the hospital too.  Bristol had been extremely short tempered and no, it wasn't time for her period.  Hunter had been more calm than normal.  I'd figure all that shit out later.  Right now I had to focus on Trenton.

      "Wait!!  Wait Wait Wait!!!  Please tell me that you've told her.  In the last three years please tell me that you've told Kodie that you like her."

      Trenton thought for a minute too long.  Not a good sign.   "Yes?"  Even worse sign.

      "If you're asking me yes  No you have not."

      "I mean...I've told her over the last three years that she's mine.  She's never fought me on it.  So why does it matter if I say "Hey I like you" or just tell her she's mine?"

      I laughed.  Oh my sweet innocent dumbass brothers.  "Trenton Maddox.  I thought out of the three of you boys you were the one that knew the most when it came to relationships.  It hurts.  It really does."

      "Does it really matter Little Ell?"  Hunter sounded curious.  God please don't tell me he'd not told Bristol that he likes her too.

      "I mean...Beau would tell me all the time that I was his girl.  Y'all have lived together far, far too fucking long."  I simply put that out there and let it sink in.  Beau and I had always said we were each other's...everybody knew it...and yet look where that landed us.  Complete and utter radio silence for two years.

      "Fuck."   "Damnit."  Both brothers said at the same time.

      "Didn't think bout that now did ya?   You didn't never answer either if you've talked to her since..."

      "We have.  I mean I was at her place the other day, went with her to the studio and listened to some of her new songs."

      "Did you kiss her goodnight?  Ask her to be your girlfriend?"

      "We have to do that?"  Another curious question from Hunter.  What the hell was happening with him?  Did he not know the rules of how anything worked with girls?  Jesus.

      "Yes Hunter Dane.  Trenton most definitely needs to kiss her goodnight and both of you need to figure your shits out and ask them to be girlfriends.  Christ.  Otherwise it just makes y'all seem a little more like Walker."  I couldn't stop the grin on my face.

      "What if...she's the one?  Do I still have to ask her to be my girlfriend?"

      "Oh my sweet, sweet Trent.  If she's the one then I'm gonna need you to do a few things.  Get off your ginormously heavy ass, head over to her place, tell her you like her, kiss her like you've never had oxygen in your lungs and then...tell her she's the one and you love her.  In that order.  Just don't call her Anastasia."   I shoved his back to help him get out of the sand.

      "I brought Bris..."

      Hunter's entire body went ramrod still.  "Okay.  Well.  Go inside.  Tell Bristol that you need to officially make Kodie yours and I'm sure she'll bounce right up as shotgun and then do my list in its specific order."  Trenton kissed my forehead and jumped off the sand.  "I boys are more hassle then y'all are worth."

    "You love us though sis."

      "Couldn't stop if I tried."  I kicked sand up at him to get him to move along and go get his girl.  I turned my attention to Hunter as soon as I heard the screen door close.  "Sooo...  Hunter Dane.  What is going on with you and Bristol?"

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