ACE -- January 3rd

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      As soon as I walked in the house I knew I'd been set up in some sorts.  Jolene was never one who could mask her face.

      "So tell me about this shower!!"  There it was.

      I collapsed on her couch, already exhausted.  "Are Grams and Pap even here?"

      Jolene waved her hand.  "They're around somewhere."  Somewhere being in town and not here like she made it sound.

      "So the die or die situation?  And who even says that?  Die or die..."

      "Um...for one you did the night Beau thru his jacket at you and hollered then left.  That was the first and only message you sent the group when you finally told him your feelings."

      "Well I don't remember that at all so move along to whatever the hell your die or die situation is."  I actually did remember that but I did not want to think about that today.  Not after last night.

      She was too amped.  "The Shower."

       I wasn't lying when I told Beau she was being dramatic.  I put my hands over my cheeks because I already knew they were turning colors.  "The shower...was just the beginning of last night."  She squealed.  "You know Bristol will kill me."  She stared at me not even caring, and she kept staring knowing that I would break and tell her anyhow.  "JD you have to swear...when I tell have--"

      She had her pinky fingers out and in my face.  "I swear.  I'll act just as surprised as I'm bout to right now.  She'll never know I knew first."  I linked my pinkies and gave them a little shake.  Nothing was more sacred than pinky swears.  "Tell meeeeeee....."  Dramatic.  "He finally showed you how much he loves you didn't he?"

      I cocked my head, questioning.  "Jo..."

      "He's my Rem, Carls.  I've known him since birth too.   You actually think he hasn't been asking me, and Bris for that matter, for advice on a daily basis?  On how he could win?"

      Okay.  That was actually super cute.  Not anything I would have ever thought Beau would do.  Asking my two unblood sisters on how he could 'win'.  It made me smile.  I fell back on her couch smiling like an idiot.  "I've known all along he loved me.  Even though he'd never actually told me I could tell, ya know?"

      "Girl, the whole fucking town knows."

      I waved my hand up in the air telling her to shut up.  "Okay smartass.  Last night...that was a whole other level of love.  I never thought I would feel like this.  He finally said those words yesterday in the shower, which, nothing happened in there.  That was actually just a shower.  The steamy show of affection happened after dinner with his mom, where I 'apparently' tortured him all night."  I rolled my eyes fully knowing Jolene couldn't see me.  She was laying on the floor next to the couch listening intently.  I could feel it rolling off her.  I rolled to my side so I could see her.  "Ya know...he honestly didn't know that I skip underwear when it comes to leggings."

      Jolene laughed at that.  "Please tell me how he didn't know that."

      "Fuck if I know."

      "I figured he knew you aren't a thong girl."

      "Well...after accusing me of torturing him all night, I can personally attest to him not knowing that."

      "Did you torture him?"  She was smiling.

      "Well...yes.  But only because he was terrible at masking his face on how I affected him.  I couldn't help myself."

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