BRB -- December 24th

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      "One day..."  Hunter was laying his pajama pants on his dresser.  "She's gonna stop with the damn pajamas.  Or I'm just gonna stop wearing them.  I'm twenty fucking seven.  A damn SEAL."

      I laughed.  "Is that day gonna be one where you or her are dead?"

      "The fuck?  No man."

      "Then you're fucking wearing them till you are dead.  You know that's how it works."  This year the pajamas were Charlie Brown.  "Your dad is what?  Fifty something and he still wears them H."

      He fell backward onto his bed, dramatically like Bristol.  I made a mental note to ask Aspen if she'd got any details yet.  "Talking about Dad..."

      I knew where he was headed.   "I'm going to ask tomorrow.  Dad, not Aspen."

      "Listen man.  I know Jason kicked your ass...which you had coming and you deserved.  Thank the stars you only got Jason and not Trent or me.  She was really busted up bro.  She could do a whole hellalot better than you."  Didn't I know it.  Aspen could have her pick of any guy that walked this earth.  It made my blood boil just thinking of all the guys that had tried.  "But...Aspen is absurdly stubborn and there's no other guy on this earth that she wants more than you.  So if Dad doesn't pass off his've got mine."

      "Thanks H."

     I waited on him to say more...or say something about Bristol or complain more about the pajamas his mom still makes him wear, but all I heard was snores.  I laughed.  Hunter could always walk into his childhood house or mine and put his head down and instantly sleep.

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