BRB -- January 3rd

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      I was going out of my mind.  I honestly had no idea what dress Jolene had picked out, I just handed her my card and let her do her magic.  And she did her magic too well.  Damn.  I cursed myself all over again when I saw Aspen.  I was a fucking idiot when I left her.

      Now she was setting in my shotgun seat and I could hardly keep my eyes on the road.  I honestly didn't think I'd win the unhidden scars request.  But she finally conceded and I had every inch of her in all her angelic glory, on our way to start the rest of our forever.

      Hunter had watched me fumble with the damn ring box...literally dropped it at least 1000 times before I finally managed to get it in my pocket.  He was the only one now, who knew what was going to happen tonight beside our parents.   I was nervous as fuck and even that was an understatement.

      Aspen brought my hand to her lips, dragging me out of my own spiraling thoughts.  "Whatcha thinking bout over there killer?"

      "I don't know if I should let Bris or Day help with dressing you anymore..."  It was the honest to god truth.  Her dad would probably put a bullet in my skull the moment he saw his baby girl.  I don't even know what I'd have to think of all night to keep me from getting more hard than I was now.  Fuck.  Me.

      "Oh."  Aspen started to fidget and pull at her dress like she was trying to hide.

      Damnit Brighton.  Now you've got her thinking she looks hideous.  I brought my hand to her face and tucked her hair behind her ear.  "That's not what I meant ACE.  Stop fidgeting.  I meant they always seem to pick the dresses that manage to make me and every guy in a 100 mile radius eye fuck you...and we both know how well I do with other guys."

      "You mean that you don't play nice at all with other guys?"  She smirked at me.

      I could only thank my lucky stars that Clay wasn't invited tonight because he would have been brutally killed with no remorse the second he laid eyes on my girl.  "I can't help it ACE if they start it."

      "HA!!  Like you try oh so hard before' they start it'??"

      "Fuck yeah I do.  And then they breathe."  I caught her little eye roll.  "I was taught to fiercely protect what's mine and to finish what is started."  That's what made me a damn good SEAL.  I finished what other assholes started and I finished it well.  "You just don't ever let anybody see the girl side of you and every time I see it, it knocks me off my damn feet."

      "I don't like the girl side of me..."  She whispered it because the girl side of her drew attention.  And one thing I knew without a doubt about my girl was that she hated attention.

      We pulled up to the restaurant and I breathed out a little.  Somehow they had actually managed to get everyone here with just the five vehicles.  I left that part of the planning up to Momma T and prayed that they could pull it off.   I shouldn't have doubted the almighty Teresa Ellington.

      Before Aspen could move away from the truck I was there and had her pushed up against it.  I ran my nose up her neck and kissed it every now and then.  Her breath itched.   "You do things to me Aspen Carlee."  I kissed her nose.  "Things I never thought were possible."  I kissed her lips hard.  Ran my tongue along her bottom lip wanting to see if she'd let me inside to deepen it while we were outside in this parking lot.  She did.  She didn't fight for dominance long, because she knew I was the dominant one.  Ever submissive.  She ran her hands into my hair and tugged.

     Do it again Aspen and I'll take you right here.

      I pulled away before I lost all of my control and let my forehead rest against hers.  "I fucking love you Aspen Carlee Ellington.  Love you more than you'll ever know."

      I was rewarded with a blinding smile.  "I love you right back Beau Remington."

~~just a little thanks to those who are reading.  i got a notification that this story had hit #1 with military romance yesterday.  :)

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