ACE-January 23rd

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Beau had us upstairs and my shirt gone in record time. This impromptu party had made him even more ready than before. If that was even possible.

I ran my hands under his shirt. "Fuck ACE. Why the hell didn't you tell me you were frozen out there? We could have been up here hours ago."

"I'm not that cold." It was a bold face lie. I'm sure my legs were some tint of purple.

"Right." He rolled his eyes. "And I'm not hard." He gave me a pointed stare.

"Well if that's the case then I'll just go back out there. Let me just grab a blanket."

Beau grabbed me by the waist and I heard his Alpha growl. "I swear ACE, if you leave me..."

"Oh...that's are hard and I was suppose to take care of that. Being the nice wife and all." I winked at him, fisted the end of his shirt and drug it up over his stupidly toned body. I kissed the middle of his chest and he dropped his shirt on the floor.

I shivered involuntarily, which caught Beau's eye and he smirked. Damnit. I really was frozen. "I really don't like winters." I grumbled it and Beau tried tried to contain his laugh.

"Let me get the fire place goin. Sorry Baby. Should have thought ahead and had it warming up already." He ran his hands up and down my arms and bent down to kiss my forehead. "Let me get that then...I'll be the dutiful husband and warm you up till you explode." Somehow he'd managed to flick the button of my jeans open without me knowing. He had his hands down and around my bare ass. Squeezed it once then went to getting the fire set.

"How are you not—" I was abruptly cut off by a phone blaring.

Beau froze. He threw the wood in the fire place with more force than necessary. "This cannot be fuckin happenin."

I was lost. Does his phone not ring at all hours of the day? Because if mine didn't ring at all hours I would be worried.

He grabbed it off the mantle and turned slowly to me. "Brighton."

The way his eyes locked on mine I knew. Instantly, I knew. My heart fell to the floor. This really cannot be fucking happening.

His eyes never left mine as he listened to whatever commanding officer was on the other side. "It has to be Bravo?" His face contorted to something I'd never seen. I couldn't read it. He was scared or in pain. Furious. Nervous. Anxious. There was too many things flitting thru his eyes to catch one and fully get a read on him.

"Yes sir. 0600 hours. Yes. I'll have them ready." He ended the call and yet again, threw his phone across the room. I briefly wondered how many phones he went thru in a month.

      We were suppose to have more time.

      "Aspen..." He was slowly walking over toward me. "I gotta..."

      I just bobbed my head. "I know. What can I do?"  I was already moving around our room. Opening drawers. I couldn't look at him. If I did I knew I'd break and he didn't need to see that. He'd never seen me break before. I always managed to save that till I was home in my bed with Blue.

      "ACE...look at me..." This was affecting him too. I heard it. I'd seen him off on deployments before. I'd seen my brothers off on deployments. This wasn't any different. I could do this.

      No you fucking can't. This is 1000% different. You're married.

      My hands froze around the edge of the drawer on the dresser. I was suppose to be getting him socks. I squeezed my eyes shut tight and my fists around the wood. I didn't want to get socks. I wanted to get a blade.

      I felt Beau come up behind me. He ran his hands down my arms and around my waist. "Baby please..."  I was shaking.

      Fuck. I needed to get in control right now. I could shatter later. When he was gone, I could cut. Just put your fake smile on.

      I turned in his arms.  "It's okay." It wasn't okay. "I'm fine." I wasn't fine. "Everything is gonna be alright." Everything was most definitely not going to be alright.

     "Stop." His voice was strained. "This wasn't what I had planned or wanted."

      "I know. You wanted me to suck you off." I bit the inside of my cheek to stop from grinning.

      He pressed his forehead to mine. "I really, really did."


      My head snapped up, almost knocking Beau out, and I looked at him.  "It's....a joint one."

      Of course it was, because something else in my life was coming back to serve karma and bite me in the ass. Hunter was leaving out too.

      I took a deep breath in, then shoved him in any direction that wasn't near me. I could fake it as long as he wasn't near. "Go. Change. Is everything you need in the closet? Or do we have it some place else?"  I'd helped the brothers pack in emergencies like this. I helped Beau once. Hopefully he wasn't remembering that like I was.

      "ACE..."  He was still trying to gauge my reaction and emotions. I wouldn't give him what he wanted to see. I'd hold it all. I must have fooled him because he dropped his pants and went to grab his uniform. "I only have one here. We'll have to go to the house first then base."

      "BRIGHTON!!!"  Hunter hollered again, because we ignored his first call.

      "THIRTY SECONDS!" Blue came barreling in the room with Rocky hot on his heels. Beau sat on the bench at the end of the bed to lace up his boots.

      I tugged on one of his hoodies, went to the door and held out my hand. His engulfed mine and he tugged me into him. My face pressed into his rock hard chest. "I love you ACE."

      "I know." I took a breath and released it. "I love you back."

      He gripped my chin between his thumb and finger and forced me to look at him. Then he leaned down and kissed me like his entire life depended it on. Like the safety of the entire world depended on it.

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