ACE -- December 24th

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      It made me laugh that this man--incredibly gorgeous, toned, tanned tatted sex god turned SEALs man--who had been thru BUD/S and parachute and SQT and only God knows whatever else, was shaking in his boots picturing what would happen if we skipped Christmas Eve.  Shaking in his boots because of my mom.

      "Giggle if you must but I'm not at all going up against the almighty Teresa Ellington."  He pulled me off the counter, never stepping back so I slid down his front, immediately thinking how I would let him trash me on the kitchen counter, no problem.  I'm sure my mother would torture me if she knew the thoughts her baby girl was having while contemplating skipping Christmas Eve to enact said thoughts.  And whatever else Beau wanted.  "Aspen..."  His voice was low and seductive but had just enough of an edge to bring my out of my thoughts.

      "Okay.  Okay.  I'm here."  I looked up at him, his eyes giving away he was thinking similar thoughts on why we should skip.  He kissed my nose waiting on me to proceed.  "We have to bring these cookies.  The pie in the fridge.  Uh...all the presents under the tree."  I moved around him, my brain in full prep list mode.  "Blue's food and dish."  I was vaguely aware Beau was going behind me picking up everything I listed off.

      I moved out of the kitchen and headed for the stairs.  I heard Beau drop things by the tree and went to get Blue's food out of the pantry.  Blue rushed upstairs ahead of me.  Seeing his food was being moved let him know we were leaving overnight and I needed to pack.

      "Okay boy."  He knew the routine.  He'd drug my slippers out of the closet already.  "I need those slippers yes.  Thank you."  He went back in to retrieve my duffle.  "And my kindle.  Phone chord.  Makeup.  Hair.  Ipod.  Headphones."  I heard the whine of my doorframe protesting the weight of Beau leaning against it.  "Headphones.  Let's see...oh!  Sleep meds...are you ready?"  I turned to question him.

      He nodded.  "Yup.  All the important things I left with Trent so you wouldn't snoop."

      I feigned being offended.  "I would never."

      He snorted.  "Yeahok."  He shoved off the frame and came into my room to get my bag.  "You have everything you need?"

      He waited a minute knowing I was running down the list in my head.  I nodded.  He bent down and I lifted my shirt sleeve a little.  I looked at the cuts, seeing they were going away fairly quickly.

      Beau caught me and dropped the bag back on the floor.  He reached for my wrist.  "Let me see."

      I dropped it in his hand.   He immediately ran his thumb over them ever so tender.  "They shouldn't be too noticeable."  I didn't need my brothers seeing fresh scars on Christmas.  I didn't need them seeing any scars this leave actually.  I had the make up in my bag that would cover them anyway, but I didn't need them reopening, because that would not be covered.

      "Want to?"

      I missed him asking me something.  "Hmmm?"

      He brushed my bangs behind my ear.  "I said.  Do you want to?"  He looked down again at my fading cuts.

      "Yes."  I wasn't going to lie to him.  He's my guy.  Always been my solid.  Lighthouse thru any storm.

      "I'm here."  He wasn't going to lose it or flip or give me a lecture.  That's not how Beau works.  He's letting me know that he's got me.  I could do whatever I wanted to him if things got too overwhelming, and he'd take it.

      "I know.  I didn't even bring any."  I smiled weakly.  "One day I might even give them to you."

      He froze, shocked but quickly recovered and nodded.  Let the subject drop and picked up my bag again.

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