ACE--January 22nd

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      "I don't actually fucking care how the saying goes.  I'm here and that's the best thing you've heard all day."  Jason really was delusional.  Or he was dropped on his head repeatedly as a baby.  There was no other explanation to him in general.

      "I'm not even going to pretend that's anywhere near being true.  And....this isn't even your home."  It normally never bothered me when people waltzed in and out of my house.  But right now?  Today?  I was annoyed. 

      Hunter and Bristol pissed me off by acting like Beau and I had done something wrong.  And now I was really wishing that none of the guys were coming over.  I really was wishing that Beau hadn't let anyone in on the fact that we were home.  I never wanted to be shut in with him more than I wanted to be right now.

      "Somebody pissed in your wheaties this morning."  Jason pushed me back toward Beau and went to looking around.  He let out a long whistle.  "This place really came together in the end Brighton.  Last time I was here it looked like dog shit." 

      "Don't hold back, asshole."  Beau growled.  "Good thing I didn't build anything in here for you.  And it really isn't your house."

      "Somebody pissed in your wheaties too.  Jesus fuck.  Brick was right when letting us know we needed to stay away."

"Y'all can feel free to leave anytime you want. Take the party over to Brooks' house." Beau had an edge to his voice. He would love nothing more than to drop in wherever Brooks lived and ruin his night.

Before I could agree with him I was being spun around in the air. "Little Carls Ellington!!!"

And just like that, my piss poor mood had left and I was laughing. "JULES!!" This mammoth of a guy was on Trenton's team and I loved him something fierce.

"Brooks sent out that message bout having dinner with y'all but I didn't believe him." He was setting me down and going to do one of those man bro handshake hug things with Beau. "So you finally got the girl Brighton. Congrats you two!" He was squeezing me again. "GAH! I'm so happy to see you out of a screen!"

"God. What has Trent been making y'all do? You're like twice the size from the last time I saw you!"

      He wiggled his eyebrows up and down, smiling, playing. "You like it?"

       Before I could say anything, I felt Beau pinch my hips. A little too hard. A reminder. "Behave, wife." He had an edge to his voice while he nipped at my neck. "I'll take you upstairs and remind you who you like best while the rest of them get here. I'll remind you hard."  And he was hard. I could feel it, feel him, pressed into my ass and damnit if that didn't make me want to provoke him into taking me right back up to our room.

      "Holy fucking hell. It wasn't a joke that you could be twins. My eyes saw it earlier but my brain didn't process it until right now."  Brick.

      "How do you know I'm not her?"  I asked him with my eyebrow cocked. That earned me another nip to my neck. I turned in Beau's arms, "Somebody has to be the nice one. Since you are so highly annoyed and pissed bout the situation, it's me. I have to be nice tonight."

      "Actually neither of us have to be nice ACE."  He had a look in his eye that had me, so desperately, not wanting to be nice.

      "Hunter and Beau are too much alike.  They have a girl?  That's their girl.  So that's how I know you're not her...Brighton is tangled around you like his life depends on it and frankly?  It's the best damn thing I've seen."  Brick smiled and without even having to look back at Beau, I knew he as frowning.  Probably thinking of ways to torture Brick and whoever else when he got back to base.

      "You win."  I held my hands up.  "I'm Aspen.  The Ellington sister.  Thanks for keeping people at bay for a few hours longer."  I winked and his smile took over his face.

      "You have any idea how many you fuckers are gonna be here tonight?"  Beau's voice was just pure annoyance.  There was no way he was going to be the nice one tonight.  He started to move toward the outdoor kitchen.  "There is no amount of alcohol that is going to get me thru this fucking night. And I hate all of you."

      "Fellings mutual asshole."  I wasn't sure who had answered him, but they were gambling with their life.  Knowing my brothers, it was probably Jason.

      "I don't actually hate you."  Beau came over to me and leaned down to kiss me hard.  "I can show you later how much I don't hate you."  He whispered it in my ear while kissing my neck.  Running his hands up and under my shirt.  Turning me on.  The lace underwear instantly got wet.  Damn this man.

      "Unless you plan on making good on that right now?  I suggest you go outside to your oasis and start the grills."

      Beau's wicked grin started to grow on his face.  "Already forget who was between those legs this afternoon?  Need a reminder so soon?  I'll be the nice one and remind you, wife."

      My eyes I'm sure got huge.  This dirty side of him was something that would take me getting use to.  Hell, finally being Beau's girl in general was taking some getting use to.  And I wasn't just his girl anymore.  I was his fucking wife.  Nothing in the last ten years could have ever prepared me for that...or actually convinced me that it would happen.

      "You're thinking about it."  His eyes bore into mine.  He wanted nothing more than to forget everybody that was in our house, brothers included, and take me upstairs.  Or to a bathroom.  Or the library.  Or any of the other rooms he promised me earlier that 'we needed to break in'. 

      "Brothers Beau.  Jason and Hunt are here."  I played with his ring that he had moved from his ring finger to his right middle finger.  I didn't really care what finger it was on.  Just that he finally had my ring on him...some part of me soared with that knowledge.  Claiming him.  He was mine.

      He groaned and dropped his head back on his shoulders.  "I actually fucking hate everybody here."

      I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him.  "I love you."  Then I pushed him to the back door.

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