BRB -- January 22nd

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      I was trying my damn hardest to reign in all my...well, everything.  

      Calm the fuck down can't savagely destroy her on her first time ever being with a man.  Love.  Her.

      Instead of throwing her on the bed, ripping off her lace and just dominating her, I gently laid her in the middle and leaned over her.  I pushed my hips into her.  "You feel what you do to me?"  I started kissing the spot between her neck and shoulder.  "It's my responsibility ACE..."  Aspen sighed as I moved my hand under her, to the back of her lace bra.  " love you right."  

     I threw the bra on the floor and started to move down her body.  "To love you long..."  I flicked my tongue over her nipple and Aspen's body arched off the bed, pressing more into me.  I groaned.  This is about her Beau...  Moving down further I kissed her belly.  " you slow."  

      I felt her fingers trail over my shoulder blades as I went to leave hickies on her favorite spot.  It drove her to the brink of insanity when I went to kiss and lick and do whatever I wanted to her bear tattoo on her side/hip.  I was no better.  Whenever she wanted something and wanted it quick she knew going straight for my tattoos on my chest would get her whatever she wanted immediately.  

      "Beau..."  Her breathy, needy little plea.  A plea of pleasure.  A plea that needed more.  A plea that went straight to my cock.

      "I know Baby.  I know."  I nipped at her hip while I slipped my fingers under the band of her undies.  This time her fingers ran thru my hair with a gentle tug.  I kissed a little lower and ran a slow swipe of my tongue thru her core.   She was soaked.  I wouldn't last if I used my mouth, I knew my limits and damnit to fuck I was already three feet passed losing my control. 

      I made sure the remaining lace made it to the floor with her bra and then moved up her body.  Hovering over her tiny little perfect frame so I wouldn't crush her.  I leaned down and kissed her lips.  

      Aspen still had her tiny fingers running thru my hair.  Pulling me closer.  I slipped my tongue in her mouth and her hips moved up to meet mine.  She pulled her mouth away briefly, "Why aren't you naked?"  Her own version of growly.

      I laughed.  "Don't test me ACE."  I ran my hand down her stomach, inbetween her legs, grazing her already soaked core.  "I wouldn't be a good husband if I was naked right now."  I kissed her neck again and slipped a finger inside.  "This is your first."

      She sighed, her body relaxing into me and the pleasure.  "Our first."

      "Our first."  I added another finger and started a steady pace thrusting in and out of her.  "I swear I will love you all day.  I'll make good on that.  Love you, then fuck you, then back to loving you."  I swirled my tongue around her nipple this time while still fingering her.  "I need to get you there first."  I left a mark under her breast then went to the other.  "It'll hurt a little less if I get you ready."

      She rocked her hips against my fingers and palm.  "I'm ready."  It was a whisper immediately followed with a moan.  

      "You're tight Aspen.  So damn tight."  I kissed her again, mentally awarding myself a purple heart for the restraint that I was showing.  Two damn years of fucking pent up sexual everything.  I pulled my fingers out.  "Do you trust me?"  

      "You know I do asshole."  I laughed lightly.  I knew her irritation came from not having me inside her.

      I thrust them back in and watched her arch off the bed.  "Then let me take care of you."  I pulled them out again.  "Let go."  Pushed back, no longer at a steady pace.  "And let me be your Alpha."  I curled my fingers up and let my thumb rub across her adding more pleasure to get her to overload.

      I went back to my steady pace, that was a little faster now, as my thumb started to swirl on her clit.  Aspen let her head fall heavily to the pillow and her eyes closed.  "O-kay...."  

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