ACE -- January 22nd

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I rolled over groggily but the bed was empty. Hmph. Not how I expected to wake up after last night. I frowned. Where was my husband?


The events of last night came rushing back. Changing in the truck. Going to the courthouse. Saying 'I do'. Beau bringing me back to this house, our house, instead of the house he shared with my brothers. The pleasure he brought me with his hands and mouth. Returning the favor.

My cheeks heated up. Beau and I didn't cross that line last night but the orgasms he did give me made up for it. He didn't want to rush things due to us being exhausted. Trying to be a gentleman *eye roll* he didn't want my first time, our first time, to be...I don't know. His reasons made sense last night but now, it was the morning after and the bed was empty and I had his last name. He could do whatever he wanted.

After I found what I was looking for, I made my way downstairs and to the middle of the obscenely large kitchen. There he was. My man. Setting on one of the couches in basketball shorts, phone face down next to him, typing away on his laptop.

Operator mode.

I put my hands on my hips. "There you are."

He moved his head slowly but as soon as his eye caught what I was wearing his head snapped to attention. His eyes were glued to me, getting darker by the second. "What...are you...fuck Baby."

I grinned. I was wearing one of Beau's uniform jackets, but with my hands on my hips he could see that I had a dark green lace undie and bra set on. I slowly started to walk toward what I hoped was something sexy and he just as slowly slid the laptop to the couch cushion next to him, never taking his eyes off me. "I didn't ever figure I'd wake up the day after I got married by myself..."

I dropped the jacket on the floor. Beau swallowed...hard. "Clearly I'm a fucking idiot."

"I'm well rested and ready and..." I was standing in front of him now, between his legs. "...the bed was just empty."

His eyes were jet black and he ran his hands up the back of my thighs, over my ass, then yanked me down on his lap. "I'm sorry." Beau rasped out. He was trying to maintain any ounce of control that he had left.

I leaned down and kissed him gently. " could..." I ran my finger down his peck and over his ab while he gripped my hips. He went to kissing my neck and I could feel how much I was affecting him. "...make it up to me."

He gently licked up to my ear, causing me to groan, and whispered in my ear. "Oh yeah?"

I rocked forward gently. "mmhhmmm."

He went back to kissing down my neck and over the tops of my breasts. I rocked my hips over his dick, that seemed to get harder by the nanoseconnd.

"Baby...." It was more of a warning tone than an actual lust filled 'need you now' whine.

I pressed my hips down a little harder while still rocking. "Babe..."

Beau ran his hands up my back, ever so slowly. "Aspen..." It was choked out. "I'm trying..."

"What? Why are you trying? You don't have to control yourself anymore..." I went to kiss his jaw while his hands ran back down just as slow. "We eloped last night." I kissed up to his earlobe. "We're married." I gently pressed my breasts into his chest while his hands ran over my ass. Whispering in his ear, "I'm. Your. Wife."

That phrase seemed to do it. "Wife." It was like it was finally sinking in to his brain.

He stood up abruptly, gripping my ass tightly, while I locked my legs around his waist laughing. "Beau! What are you doing?"

He went to attacking my neck with his lips. Nipping a little with his teeth, licking...more kissing. "You're mine." I just nodded because I couldn't say anything. "Forever."

I could feel his erection. I was so turned on. "Yes...."

"You're my wife." He went to kissing my lips while carrying me upstairs. " my wife..." His voice. God, his voice. He probably had no idea what it did to me. "It's my responsibility to..."

Beau had kicked the bedroom door closed, still holding me and walked us over to our bed. He gently laid me down in the middle and then crawled over to hover over top of me.

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