ACE -- January 3rd

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I laid there, my back pressed into Beau's chest, replaying the whole night. How he took care of me. How he was true to his word and the night was really about me. I chewed my nail and felt the blush creep up my cheeks.

I replayed how he started slow...not wanting to hurt me. Once his fingers pumped inside me faster, I moaned louder. Every time he curled his fingers, hitting my spot, I arched my back. It all turned him on more.

I remembered him quietly telling me to relax and let the orgasm happen. Him whispering for me to trust him when he swirled his thumb over my clit, giving me a while different round of pleasure. I never thought hearing somebody call me a good girl would be a turn on but it coming out of Beau's mouth was hott. He kept true to his word and made me come. Multiple times. It was like telling me he loved me. Once it happened, one time wasn't enough for him.

I knew I was in trouble but I trusted him when he said he wasn't leaving. Yeah sure, he'd have to go back eventually because going AWOL was not a good thing. Military, any branch, frowned upon that hard. But after everything last night, I felt more connected to him than I had in my entire life. After last night, we were only bound to each other more. It was only going to get better.

I crawled out of bed and looked down at Beau just sleeping there. I knew from Trenton that none of them actually, truly slept, so seeing how peaceful he looked there in my bed made my heart smile. I didn't know how exactly I was supposed to feel, if I was supposed to feel different when I woke up this morning...I had just gave up one of my firsts. But honestly, I had never felt more loved in my entire life than I did last night.

I snuck into my closet and pulled on shorts and a sweatshirt. No matter how perfect last night was, I had to go see Archer this morning. It was his birthday too.

I tapped my phone screen, ignored the messages from Bristol and Clay, and saw that it was close to 5. Beau would still sleep for a little bit. I leaned down and kissed his head ever so gently. Then I went downstairs, after giving Blue a low command whistle to stay and slipped out the back door.

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