Echo House - 1

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The wind hit my face as Scott drove up the path. We were at his house, trying to study for a test when we got a call that Stiles was going to put himself inside Eichen House. The two of us were terrified by what that meant. We got on his bike and took off immediately. 

I pray that we get there in time. Stiles was back to normal. Ish. The nogitsune was at bay thanks to the herb Deaton injected him with. Which is why I don't understand why he wants to go in here. 

Eichen House is where Lydia had the vision that he was in the basement when he went missing. And, Lydia is never wrong. I don't know why he was even there in the first place but that place is no good. 

Up ahead as we approached the gates, we saw Stilinski and Stiles. They didn't look happy to see us as we stopped in front of them. I let go of Scott and hopped down from the motorcycle, arms wide open waiting for an explanation of why we weren't informed about this.

“Why didn't you tell us?” 

Stilinski sighed. “Because we wanted to avoid something like this.” 

“It's only seventy-two hours.” Stiles assured us. Scott and I shake our heads. 72 hours is too long. We've barely had time to be with Stiles. The true Stiles, not void. 

“This is the same place where Barrow came from," I reminded them both. "The guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies.” The guy that almost killed Scott, Kira and I. 

Scott nods. “You don't know everything yet–” 

“I know enough.” Stilinski cut in, using a harsh and stern tone. "Nogitsunes, Kitsunes, Oni, or whatever they're called.”

Stiles nods impressively at his dad. “Wow, that was actually all surprisingly correct.” 

“Scott, Isabelle I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's... and it terrifies me." Stilinski admits. I can smell the fear he has as he talks about this.

The uncertainty. I know he wants to protect Stiles but this isn't the place to do so. "I'm headed down to LA tomorrow to talk to a specialist.” 

I shake my head. “Then why are you putting him in here?” 

“He's not–” Stiles said but then trailed off. “It's my decision." 

Scott and I exchanged glances. We weren't expecting that at all. “Stiles, we can't help you if you're in here.” 

Stiles nods. “And I can't hurt you.” 

“Deaton's got some ideas." I began to ramble. "Argent and my parents are calling people. We're going to find something. And, if we can't–” 

Stiles stops me. “If you can't.” He walked up to me, taking my hand. “If you can't, then you have to do something for me, okay?”

Scott and I nod. Anything at this point I guess. He looks at us both. "Make sure I never get out.”


He cuts me off. "Please Isabelle. Promise me you won't let me out." I began to shake my head.

I couldn't promise him that. I didn't want to promise him that. This is Stiles Stilinski we are talking about. Stiles who wants to go out and be just like his dad when he gets older. If he's stuck here he will never realize that dream. That talent he has. 

"Isabelle." Stiles says with more urgency as he waits for me to answer. I feel like I should say something.

Not about him deciding to stay here. Something about something else. 
But I don't want the first words I say to him to be right out front Eichen House. He's about to stay there for the next 72 hours.

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