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Su Yang squatted all tangled up on one of the tree's flourishing branches.

Under the tree, three figures; two black and one white were engaged in combat. Foul winds raged and the stench of blood filled the air. Each maneuver, each strike was targeted to hit the opponent's vital points.

The two in black were middle-aged wandering vigilantes. The first was skinny and had a foul mouth; the second was a fat man.

The thin man brandished his curved sword, revealed a cruel smile, then sinisterly sneered, "Martial World's Young Tiger? Young Righteous Hero? I don't think so! Do you really think that with your skill you can trample all over other young martial artists?"

While the fat man didn't speak, his attack was not inferior to the thin man's. Each sword strike was intimidating and aggressive.

The one in white who confronted these two men looked young, but his moves were already sturdy and bold. He showed no signs of fear even when faced with two opponents.

Because of his youth, his internal energy was still lacking. No matter how sound and skilled he was in martial arts, he couldn't sustain too long under the siege of the two men; their blades would reach him eventually.

His white clothes were stained with blood, making him appear more tender and fragile. It was painful to look at.

Su Yang continued to observe the battle on the branch, becoming increasingly nervous as new wounds appeared on the youth. He pulled a handful of leaves from the treetop next to him and wanted to shove them into his mouth.

He had a bad habit of chewing things when he was nervous, but since there wasn't any chewing gum or popcorn, he could only go for the next nearest thing; grabbing a handful of leaves to chew on.

Behind him, the Devil Sect flower aide suddenly channeled his voice over, "My lord, this leaf has limited toxicity. With your skill, even if you eat up this entire forest, you won't die from poisoning. Don't commit suicide anymore. The elders will worry."

The leaves had just entered into Su Yang's mouth and he just about somersaulted from the branches of the tree.

He was a little annoyed, "I'm rather free now. Since I've already reached this point, do you think I'm still not thinking straight?"

The flower aide persisted, "Young Saint has made great advancements in your Six Underworlds Inter Flower technique. But when you came out of seclusion, you got yourself blind drunk, threw yourself off a cliff, hung yourself from the rafters, ingested poison and attempted to drown yourself... The elders instructed this subordinate to follow you to Qingwu County and watch over your lordship. Don't —"

"—that's enough. Shut up."He spit out the bitter leaves and raised his hands to rub his temples.

He'd been doing some stupid things for the past five days.

It wasn't that he really wanted to die, but anyone who'd experienced what he went through would have become unhinged as well.

His real name was Chen Su Yang. He was originally an online celebrity that had suddenly become popular due to his good looks and classical dance skills. Fortunately, after gaining popularity, he was spotted by a young network drama team to play an important supporting role in the novel adaptation of 'Arch-Rivals'.

He had supposedly been given this opportunity because the original author's wife had personally suggested him and recommended for him to be cast. He was riding the thrill of this for a while.

Su Yang had just completed his final scene five days ago, which happened to coincide with his birthday.

The cast and crew were fairly young and rambunctious: even the director and actors were friendly. That night, they had all gathered for dinner to celebrate with him.

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