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When Gu Feidi followed Di Ling to Lesser Jade House dining hall, they happened upon Li shijie who had arrived with Pu Lingyun and Fan Xi.

As soon as Pu Lingyun saw Gu Feidi, she immediately stepped forward and called out, "Xiao shixiong!"

Fan Xi looked around and raised an eyebrow, "Where is Su Yang? Why didn't he come with you?"

Gu Feidi turned his head and said keenly: "Don't you address him as 'Young Saint'?"

Fan Xi raised his hand to rub his chin and smiled: "You are very idle, you care about these little things?"

Gu Feidi heard the words and replied: "Your attitude towards him has changed since you left the stone forest. Qinglian Sect is the best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. At the beginning, you respected him but it was not from your heart and I can still see this."

Fan Xi said: "I don't speculate as much as you do. I just think that the rumours about him in the Jianghu are probably from the righteous sects to frame him!"

Gu Feidi hadn't yet replied but Pu Lingyun was already unhappy.

"There's proof of the things he did, how could that be framing him!" She glared at Fan Xi, "There's been no news of the youths he kidnapped; no one knows whether they are alive or dead. Whatever his reason for kidnapping those youths, blatantly breaking up families is unforgivable!"

That bit was correct. Fan Xi opened his mouth to say something but decided against it.

Pu Lingyun proudly smirked: "Nothing to say, right?"

Fan Xi sighed with a smile and met Pu Lingyun's gaze: "How do you know that Su Yang is not being forced?"

Hearing this question, Gu Feidi abruptly raised his eyes and looked straight towards Fan Xi.

Pu Lingyun raised her chin and said, "He is the Devil Sect's Young Saint. Who else can force him? Just looking at his appearance, I think—"

"Lingyun." Gu Feidi interrupted suddenly, "It's pointless to keep arguing. We came to Lesser Jade House to cultivate. You have already made a breakthrough for your Folding Feather Sutra and will be going to Wanyuan Pavilion today to select advanced mental cultivation methods. Don't tarry because of minor matters."

Pu Lingyun flattened her mouth and muttered: "What xiao shixiong said is right. I will go and eat now."

After speaking, she flung back her head and walked to the long table where breakfast had been prepared.

Gu Feidi gave Fan Xi a profound look, didn't say much, turned around and followed Pu Lingyun to leave.

Fan Xi narrowed his eyes and stared at Gu Feidi until he took a seat and then he sat down at the other end of the long table.

Having finished breakfast, Gu Feidi followed Di Ling to Lesser Jade House's Wanyuan Pavilion and happened to meet Xu Yunzhan who had come to find heavy sword art skills. The two greeted each other and entered through the door.

Wanyuan Pavilion building was used by Lesser Jade House to store books. Although it occupied a small area, it had five floors in total and the book collection was vast and immense. The arrangement of the books here were also very orderly—the first floor of the Wanyuan Pavilion were mostly Yin and cold mental cultivation and martial arts. The higher the levels, the more Yang and fiery the skill sets became.

Xu Yunzhan went down to the east side martial arts book area under the guidance of Mo shixiong. Gu Feidi did not hesitate, heading straight to the building's third storey, walking towards where the 'Righteous' sign was erected and into the corridor of mental cultivation scrolls.

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