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Su Yang took the luggage and hairband, brushed past Gu Feidi and was about to step out the door when Gu Feidi called out to him all of a sudden.

"Su Yang."

The young man raised his face and looked at him with eyes as bright as stars.

His voice was very low, but his words were extremely clear: "I would like to apologise to you for covering up the matter earlier."

Su Yang was taken aback.

Immediately, he remembered that according to the character of the script, Gu Feidi was indeed a clean and transparent protagonist with almost no dark side. He was extremely talented but never arrogant or complacent and was even more hardworking than others. Even if he occasionally made mistakes because of his youth, he was brave enough to admit and assume responsibility. He was practically... the embodiment of all positive energy.

Like now, Gu Feidi clearly still didn't like the Devil Sect's Young Saint, but he wouldn't shirk and still submitted to the punishment. Furthermore, he had earnestly apologized to him.

Facing this Gu Feidi, Su Yang suddenly became a little bit uncomfortable.

How could he be so cruel to sneer at this youngster who looked at him so meaningfully?

He couldn't wait to pull him into his arms and rub his head again and again!

Fortunately, there was no such plot in the script and Su Yang did not have to mock Gu Feidi.

He tried his best to resist the urge to reach out to rub Gu Feidi's head. He slightly raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a harmless, encouraging smile to Gu Feidi. Then he walked out of the room without saying a word, leaving the situation in a state of uncertainty.

Gu Feidi was dazzled by Su Yang's sudden smile. As Su Yang left his line of sight, he felt a sense of emptiness come over him.

He abruptly recovered in an instant, took a deep breath and then walked out the door. He was quickly followed by Su Yang to the group of young martial artists on the mountain road.

Seeing the two return to the group, the middle-aged man glanced at Su Yang, a smile appearing in his eyes, however he didn't say anything, turned around and called out, "Everyone is here, let's go."

This time Old Qi did not say anymore and the group of youngsters followed the middle-aged man to walk up the mountain flagstone road.

Fan Xi approached Su Yang, "Fortunately, Young Saint was noticed by the old man last night, otherwise it would have been all for nothing! I really couldn't tell that the boastful, Martial World's righteous Gu Feidi would actually resort to this kind of manipulative—"

Su Yang threw Fan Xi a dry look: "He has already received the punishment, so don't bring it up anymore."

Fan Xi was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Su Yang wasn't joking from his expression, he immediately changed his tone: "Young Saint is right, anyone can make mistakes; not to mention he has already learned his lesson."

Su Yang made a 'mmm' sound and stopped talking.

With the middle-aged man leading the team, even if there were still people who were dissatisfied with Su Yang in their ranks, no one dared to say anything. The group hurried along quietly up the mountain road and soon arrived at a plateau on the mountain.

This plateau was located halfway up the mountain and the area was about twice the size of the previous farmhouse. It was covered with white stone bricks and was very neat and clean.

Everyone was led to the end of the plateau by the middle-aged man, only to realise that it was a cliff.

A dense fog swirled under the cliff making it hard to see how deep it was. Opposite of the plateau was a mountain resembling a chopped tree stump that stood upright in the clouds. The plateau and the cliff wall of the tree-stump mountain were connected by an iron chain which was as thick as a man's arm. Another mountain peak could be vaguely seen rising into the sky a distance away from the tree-stump mountain.

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