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This kiss was different from all their previous kisses.

The emotions contained in it were complicated and tempestuous. There was less tenderness and it was more like the avarice of a bitterly starved person; the struggle of a fish in a dried up pond.

The force on his body was a little crushing and carried with it some discomfort. But what made Su Yang even more scared was that beneath the kiss, a slightly controlled mass of fire was about to burst forth and he could only watch on helplessly.

Gu Feidi's lips quickly moved away from Su Yang's. They travelled along the edge of his ear, sucking, biting and licking his skin.

His palms were wet from the warm water and they impatiently caressed Su Yang's skin. Earlier, when they had applied the needles, Su Yang's clothing had been shed to his waist. Gu Feidi's wandering hands located them and pulled them off.

Su Yang couldn't help trembling.

In a flash, he realised what Gu Feidi wanted to do.

But this situation was somewhat out of control, there were some things... he was not prepared for yet. Moreover, Gu Feidi's current mood was obviously wrong.

"Gu Feidi!" Su Yang exhaled in a low voice as he tried pushing him away.

Gu Feidi moved with the strength of Su Yang's palm to prop himself up. His deep, dark eyes stared fixedly on Su Yang's face. His assaulting gaze was too strong and Su Yang was so frightened that his throat began to dry up.

While he was looking at Su Yang this way, Gu Feidi raised his hand to pull off his own inner shirt——he'd only taken off his coat when he'd entered the water. The inner shirt that was still on his body was already soaked through at this time. Cloth that had been immersed in water wasn't easy to remove, so Gu Feidi simply manoeuvred his internal force to rip it off directly. He took off his inner shirt together with his pants.

Su Yang swallowed. He turned around to brace his hands on the edge of the hot spring pool. He wanted to get out and escape to the shore.

He was stopped by Gu Feidi who held him by the waist and pulled him back into the water, hugging him tightly from behind.

They were skin-on-skin without any gaps between them.

Beneath the warm spring water, there was something with a more dangerous heat resting on Su Yang's tailbone. He stiffened on the spot and didn't dare move.

Gu Feidi's palm slowly opened and the thin layer of calluses gently stroked the skin at Su Yang's waist before gradually descending downwards...

Su Yang grabbed hold of Gu Feidi's wrist.

"Don't be like this..." His voice trembled uncontrollably, "...I'm scared."

Gu Feidi opened his eyes and lifted his head from Su Yang's neck. He dropped a soft kiss on the side of his ear.

"Now you know what it's like to be scared?" He asked in a low voice, "Then you know... how scared I was just now?"

Su Yang was at a loss for words.

Gu Feidi continued to hold Su Yang in the hot spring pool. Their temperatures melted into each other's.

The dark clouds that had been gathering in the sky since dusk finally moved slowly up the mountain.

The wind blew and a fine snow floated down from the sky. Before it reached the ground, it was melted by the heat from the hot spring and turned into tiny drops of rain which drizzled down onto both of them in the pool.

The raindrops were slightly cool, not cold. Still, they caused Su Yang to tremble and Gu Feidi finally became a little clear-headed.

Sensing the shivering person in his arms, Gu Feidi released a sigh. He tightened his arms to pull Su Yang even closer and mumbled, "Su Yang... what should I do with you?"

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