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Su Yang stepped forward, picked up the paper and carefully read it twice.

He could probably understand from guessing that the first eight words were not something good, but the meaning of the last eight words were very clear.

"It means, I..." Su Yang raised his eyes to Luo Yu and asked, "...won't be able to live past to the age of the crowning*?"

(* TN : twenty years old)

Luo Yushen released a profound breath without replying. He merely said: "You're nineteen this year?"

Su Yang nodded: "Yes."

Luo Yu asked again: "Your birthday is in summer?"

Su Yang : "Yes......the fifth month."

Su Yang paused for a while, then asked:" Just now you mentioned that the curse needs the Devil—my closest kin's life needs to be included in the curse?"

Luo Yu was silent for a while. He took the paper with the curse written on it from Su Yang's hand and tossed it into the lantern to burn it.

"It's nighttime." He sidestepped Su Yang's question, "The disciple outside the door will show you to the guest house to rest. You should spend more time with him from now on."

Hearing these words, Su Yang abruptly recalled that Gu Feidi had already seen what was written on his back.

Su Yang thought back to Gu Feidi's expression earlier and a layer of hurt and bitterness combined with heavy worries and anxieties emerged. He didn't probe whose life was sacrificed for this curse. Instead, he hurriedly bid Luo Yu farewell and turned to run out of the room.

As he rushed into the guest courtyard, Su Yang's gaze was drawn to Gu Feidi, who was waving his sword beneath the light snowfall.

Gu Feidi was dressed in white. The long sword in his hand reflected the lamplights and fine snowflakes, scattering glittering, translucent sparkles and sending the snowflakes swirling into disorder all over.

Su Yang seemed to sense an awe-inspiring killing intent from the radiance of his sword in the midst of the confusion.

Gu Feidi perceived Su Yang's figure almost at once and instantly sheathed his sword. He took wide steps forward and embraced him.

"It's chilly outside." He said softly in Su Yang's ear, "Let's go in."

With that, he laced his fingers with Su Yang's and led him back to the room.

After closing the door, Gu Feidi stared at Su Yang's eyes. After a long silence, he seemed to have plucked up the nerve to open his mouth.

He asked: "What did Elder say? Your body... is it alright?"

Su Yang forced himself not to avoid Gu Feidi's gaze. He displayed a reassuring smile: "It's a problem with the methodology, therefore I would be more susceptible to the cold...... At the moment, I can't practice exercises on the Snow Mountain, can't simply manoeuvre my internal strength and only......require...... some time to recuperate."

He didn't want to deceive Gu Feidi saying that he was alright, but he also didn't want to break Gu Feidi's heart, so he gave an ambiguous answer.

Gu Feidi was not swayed and confirmed again: "Are you truly alright?"

Su Yang was at a loss for words.

Just then, he wrapped his arm around Gu Feidi's waist. He leaned forward and softly touched his forehead and nose to his. After that, he closed his eyes, joined his lips to Gu Feidi and quietly kissed him.

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