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That night, the two switched posts once and then they waited for the arrival of dawn together. When some shadows could be discerned in the cave, they set off in the direction of the snake formation.

Sure enough, having gone through a freezing night, many of the snakes had retreated. They were entwined together and stacked at the base of the cave wall. They were all a little sluggish and didn't even bother to move when people approached.

Su Yang braced himself and used the long sword to pick up the tangle of snakes. He threw them into an open space. Gu Feidi slashed them one by one, quickly beheading and burying them. Before the snakes could react, the two had already killed most of them.

"Wait, these snakes......"

Gu Feidi suddenly called out to Su Yang and turned to look at the cave wall not far away: "There seems to be a door there, the snakes seem to be slithering out from there."

Su Yang hacked off the head of a viper and tossed it into the pit Gu Feidi had dug. Only then did he get up and look to the place that Gu Feidi was pointing at.

At this time, the sun had risen outside and finally cast some brightness into the cave. Man-made markings were clearly visible on the cave wall not far away. The markings were vertical and flat, indeed like a door.

"Kill all the snakes outside first, then we'll head in to take a look." Gu Feidi said.

Su Yang nodded, but he had already guessed what was behind the door.

Gu Feidi's protagonist's halo did not disappoint. If the stone door had nothing to do with the story arc of the Sword Sage's legacy, he'd swallow all the snake bodies here!

The two cooperated with each other and quickly completed their search outside the cave door. They killed all the vipers that slithered out of the door crack.

As the distance narrowed, the original appearance of the door was gradually revealed before their eyes—it was a thick stone door without a hinge and completely required manual labour to push and shift it to unblock the passageway behind it.

It was pitch black inside the doorway, not even a sliver of light for them to see any of the characteristics inside it, but a cool breeze wafted in through the door.

It was evident that there must be something else behind it.

"There may be more snakes inside." Gu Feidi said solemnly, "We don't have any fire tools with us. If we rush in, it's hard to say whether we will fall into a more dangerous situation."

Hearing his tone, it sounded like he didn't want to continue exploring inward.

How was this going to work?

The Tomb of the Sword Sage might probably be behind that door. If Gu Feidi wasn't willing to explore, then they wouldn't obtain the Sword Sage's legacy in the upcoming storyline...

Su Yang frowned but couldn't remember what was the use of Sword Sage's legacy in the follow up storyline.

... In short, the door was standing there, which was unusual at first glance. However, it was an opportunity that should definitely not be missed.

So Su Yang reminded: "Don't forget our purpose of coming to the Wasteland."

Gu Feidi raised his eyebrows: "Do you really believe that the Sword Sage Tomb exists here? Earlier, I deduced that the whole thing was a plot trap set up by Eluo Ghost Tent, you didn't take note?"

Su Yang flattened his lips, trying to find an excuse: "Anyhow... the news that was received by the Devil Sect is... that the Dubious Tomb of the Sword Sage really exists. It doesn't have to be a tomb, it may be the place where he used to go into seclusion."

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