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By early next morning, everyone in Lesser Jade House heard the news that Su Yang had decided to go into seclusion.

Although Lesser Jade House's rules were not strict, the younger generations under the care of their respective shixiongs and shijies were not allowed to visit others' residences at will. Of course, usually if the disciples wanted to gather and exchange pointers, the martial arts field and various garden pavilions in Lesser Jade House were used as places to meet up.

But once Su Yang entered seclusion, he could no longer walk out of the garden as he wished after relinquishing the jade bell. Apart from Di Ling and Gu Feidi who were living with him, outsiders would not be able to see him.

Fan Xi clearly appeared rather frustrated. After eating breakfast in a huff, he returned to Li shijie's courtyard and quickly handed in his jade bell and announced that he would also go into seclusion.

At dinner that day, everyone heard that... Luo Yin, the uninteresting and forgettable disciple who had previously been taken away by Chi Tong, had also gone into seclusion.

This time around, Lesser Jade House had opened their doors and acquired eight disciples. In less than two days, three of them had gone into seclusion.

"Like that, it would seem that the rest of us are idling." Xu Yunzhan poured half a cup of tea, handed it to Gu Feidi and laughed, "It's a pity that I can't practice heavy sword moves within my courtyard. I need to go to the martial arts field every day to train. Looks like I won't be able to go into seclusion even by the time I graduate from here."

Pu Lingyun curled her lips, "Su Yang goes into seclusion probably because he knows that he is different and disliked. Fan Xi is obedient to him, so when Su Yang doesn't come out, he would of course not want to be the target of public criticism. Therefore, he might as well follow suit!"

After speaking, she leaned forward and looked at Gu Feidi with a serious face: "Xiao shixiong, since you're living with that demon spawn, try your best not to be led astray by him and be careful not to fall victim to his schemes."

Xu Yunzhan smiled: "I think that Su Yang has always been pretending to be complex, but in fact, his mind may not be that profound. Once he exited the stone forest formation, I initially thought he had plans for Gu Feidi, but I fear it may be far from it."

Hearing these words, Gu Feidi suddenly let out a laugh.

He rubbed his left arm brace and his gaze turned warm. It was obvious that it wasn't him being sarcastic but he had found something that really amused him.

"As it happens, his approach is sometimes..." Gu Feidi coughed lightly, "...In short, the rumours of the Jianghu are not credible. He is indeed pure."

Pu Lingyun rolled her eyes, clearly unwilling to concede.

Xu Yunzhan asked, "So, why do you think he used the Lianxiang Rejuvenating Pills on you in the first place?"

Gu Feidi's expression suddenly became a little downcast as if he didn't know what to think. After pondering for a moment, he slowly spoke: "If he wasn't doing it under compulsion or being threatened by the Devil Sect Leader to use the medicine on me... If he fed me the medicine out of his own will, I think... at the time, he probably just wanted to save my life."

At this point, he lowered his eyelashes and continued: "After all, once 'Nirvana' is stimulated and self-healing begins, in the eyes of outsiders, I look no different from someone whose life is hanging by a thread."

Xu Yunzhan said: "If you can find the Return To The Nest volume, you can practice complete Restoration Scripture, then you can control the stimulation and suspension of Nirvana. No matter how bad the injury is, you should have time to find a safe place to heal your wounds, at least you won't suddenly faint and get into a bad situation."

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