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Approaching noon, Di Ling appeared in Zhichun Garden to call Su Yang for lunch at Lesser Jade House's dining hall.

Su Yang had been starving for the whole morning. Once he heard that, he immediately dropped the 'Blooming Lotus Sword Technique' he was studying and followed Di Ling to memorize his way to the dining hall.

When he reached the dining hall, Gu Feidi, Xu Yunzhan and Pu Lingyun happened to arrive at the same time. Su Yang subconsciously called out: "Ai, Gu Feidi, I have something to tell you."

Gu Feidi paused in his step and turned to ask: "What's the matter?"

Su Yang opened his mouth, only to realise that he hadn't memorized the words of the letter's message that he was supposed to relay.

As a result, he changed his expression and took advantage to display Devil Sect's Young Saint and Fan Er's smile, "It's nothing, I just want to call you."

Gu Feidi gave Su Yang a stern look and couldn't be bothered to nitpick with him, so he turned around and strode into the dining hall.

Seeing that their leader, Gu Feidi, was indifferent, Pu Lingyun and Xu Yunzhan weren't able to say anything either. Pu Lingyun gave a cold snort and followed Gu Feidi into the dining hall. Xu Yunzhan narrowed his eyes and inexplicably looked Su Yang up and down for a while, then turned around and left.

Su Yang gnawed his nails and instantly remembered something.

——He can't just tell Gu Feidi about the Return To The Nest scroll like this.

He's the villain aaa!

To be specific, the 'to-be-stabbed-to-death by-Gu-Feidi's-sword-in-the-future' villain!

In the first place, it was not right for him to enter Lesser Jade House with Gu Feidi. He couldn't earn too much of the protagonist's favourability, otherwise the future storyline would collapse.

But how to get Gu Feidi to find out about the information by accident?

This was really a challenge for his IQ.

While pondering this problem, Su Yang sat down at the long table and got lost in his thoughts.

"Young Saint, you're truly an important person, are you waiting for someone to serve you?"

Fan Xi smiled as he reached Su Yang's side and patted him on the shoulder. He reached out his hand to take a big bowl from the center of the table and picked up the serving spoon before asking Su Yang, "Which dish do you want to eat, shall I help you ladle it? Steamed buns or rice?"

Su Yang came back to his senses and realised that Lesser Jade House dining hall was actually a bit like a self-serve cafeteria. He needed to choose food from the dishes set out on the long table.

Seeing Fan Xi's actions of holding the spoon and waiting, Su Yang coughed lightly to suppress the embarrassment in his heart and put on an air of arrogance: "Just rice... and any two dishes."

Fan Xi smiled and followed Su Yang's gaze. He spooned him some rice, sliced ​​pork with calabash and roasted eggplant, then carefully took some tableware and placed it before Su Yang.

After finishing this, he took out the comb and hair band and helped Su Yang tie his hair in a simple style.

Pu Lingyun let out a disdainful sneer.

Fan Xi looked over with a smile, "If the little beauty wants to be served, I can also help you with filling your rice bowl and combing your hair!"

Pu Lingyun laughed scornfully, "I've my own hands and I'm not disabled."

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