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The night was dark and the moonlight was like water.

The horse team tread silently in the Gobi Wasteland.

Having just spoken with Fan Xi, Su Yang was in a state of confusion. He hung his head low and was so depressed that he refused to talk.

The relationship between Fan Xi and Pu Lingyun seemed like something had unexpectedly fallen from the sky, completely disrupting the follow-up plot he was familiar with.

Previously, Gu Feidi said that Pu Lingyun was waiting for Fan Xi to complete their discipleship together. Su Yang assumed that both of them were just closer than others, surpassing classmates and becoming dear friends. But now, having suddenly heard that the two had a mutual affinity for each other, how was the follow-up storyline to proceed? It was a bit problematic.

If there was no heroine to carry out the detoxification in the storyline, then the Gu poison currently in Gu Feidi's body—what should he do?

In the subsequent storylines, the heroine was by the protagonist's side at every turn, so what should he do?

Brooding on this, Su Yang turned his head and stole a glance at Pu Lingyun and Fan Xi. They had been trussed up onto the backs of the horses by the flower aides. He couldn't help frowning and mumbling irritably to himself.

Gu Feidi caught Su Yang's gaze from the back and looked at his drooping eyelashes. He seemed to feel his depression, sighed and placed his chin gently on his shoulder.

Su Yang tilted his head slightly and didn't respond.

Gu Feidi closed his eyes and stayed quiet for a moment then whispered: "Su Yang."

"Mmm." Su Yang responded vaguely.

After a long silence, Gu Feidi leaned near Su Yang's ear and asked softly, "Have you ever had a crush on anyone?"

The hair on his temples fluttered in the breeze, gently scraping against Su Yang's neck, making him a bit ticklish.

Gu Feidi's voice was very soft, like a feather. When that sentence fell in Su Yang's ears, it caused a continuous tremor in his heart.

Su Yang avoided the question and pushed Gu Feidi away with his elbow without answering him.

Now hearing the question of whether he had a crush or not, he became irritated.

Gu Feidi was silent, then asked: "You are so obsessed with Lingyun, do you... like her?"

Listening to this, Su Yang only felt that his heart could not be more upset.

He finally found an opening where he could explode and shouted fiercely: "Can you not guess? I have no intentions on that girl! I just... I... it's not that you're not aware that this Young Saint likes men! MEN!"

Gu Feidi: ...

Gu Feidi flipped the half-opened little purse back into his hands and said to himself: Why don't you shout louder.

After a while, Gu Feidi asked again: "Then why are you so persistent in capturing Lingyun?"

Su Yang looked down and said nothing.

Gu Feidi could not wait for the answer, he hesitated for a moment and surmised: "Your capture of Ling Yun, is it related to my detoxification?"

Su Yang was startled. He didn't expect Gu Feidi to have guessed it so quickly.

Seeing his reaction, Gu Feidi felt certain in his heart: "It's truly related to that?"

Su Yang exhaled, he didn't nod but didn't deny it either.

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