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This lady in white clearly epitomized the unpredictability of Lesser Jade House.

Upon hearing her question, Su Yang and Gu Feidi looked at each other again.

There was no tacit understanding in this look; unlike the previous one. Instead, there was a faint hint of provocation, as if neither of them were willing to back off and neither intended to appear cowardly before this lady in white.

"I'll go first!" Gu Feidi took a step forward.

"He's going first!" Su Yang stepped back at the same time.

Gu Feidi: ......

The crowd of onlookers: ......

"You—" Gu Feidi couldn't hide the disbelief in his eyes at all and he frowned, "...what's the matter with you?!"

"Ah, it's..."

Su Yang was starting to have a headache.

If he adhered to the character of the Devil Sect's Young Saint, he should not be retreating at this juncture. But his brain had yet to change course and his thoughts were still stuck on the reasoning of: 'you-must-let-Gu-Feidi-pass-the-test-before-you-can-stabilize-the-storyline', so he casually gave Gu Feidi the opportunity to be assessed first. He had just spoken the words. If he retracted them now, it would mess up his performance even further. Better to find some excuse to bring things back on track.

As a result, Su Yang blinked once, raised the corners of his mouth to display the Devil Sect's Young Saint's standard reckless smile and drawled: "...I am perfectly happy to let you go first!"

The crowd of onlookers: How shameless!

Gu Feidi's cheeks flushed with anger at these words and he turned his head away with a cold snort, refusing to acknowledge him.

Su Yang withdrew back to the cliff edge, resisting the urge to scratch his head. He crossed his arms, exhibiting the Devil Sect's Young Saint's posture.

Fan Xi stepped ahead and said: "Young Saint's preference varies from that of the average person. I used to think that this fella, after being under his Leader dad's tutelage, had become a little dull and extremely boring. Young Saint, you have such great tactics. Who'd have thought that the little uptight dude could be so entertaining! Just look at him, his ears are all red..."

Su Yang chuckled in character, expressing his disdain, but deep down he groaned : Fan Er, don't trouble trouble if trouble doesn't trouble you. If you make the protagonist anxious, it's not good for either of us.

While the two of them were busy whispering on one side, Gu Feidi had already prepared his stance.

He manipulated his internal strength, condensed it all in his palm and lightly struck the lady in white.

The difference between Pu Lingyun and the two martial artists in black earlier compared to Gu Feidi was that when he slammed his palm to the front, the extra energy radiating vigorously all around him was nearly invisible. It was almost like he was an ordinary person without any internal strength stretching out his palm to strike the lady in white. The tender leaves of the surrounding shrubs remained unmoving. The only subtle abnormality was the slight wafting of dust on the mountain road before Gu Feidi's feet.

The lady in white's expression finally changed.

Her eyes were still glazed, but her eyebrows were slightly raised, revealing some interest.

Gu Feidi palm struck the lady's shoulder. Both were stunned and took a step back.

The lady in white smiled and said: "A good 'Young Eagle'! You control your internal force well and your reputation is deserved. You have also advanced to the third level of the 'Restoration Scripture: Askance'. Will you be achieving a breakthrough soon?"

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