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In the end, the both of them decided to study the set of swordsmanship in the stone chamber.

Firstly, the swordsmanship itself wasn't difficult and secondly, even though he and Su Yang didn't feel that this set of swordsmanship was anything fantastic, with regards to the martial arts circles, if they didn't include Lesser Jade House, they were actually ranked ahead.

But, it seemed that the will of Heaven had played them for fools.

Just as Gu Feidi and Su Yang were preparing to practice the swordsmanship according to the sword marks in the stone room, a butterfly with near-transparent wings and indigo pearl-powder-like lustre landed quietly on Gu Feidi's shoulder.

Shortly after that, there was a chaotic sound of footsteps outside the stone room.

Mei Shisan led a team of flower aides and rushed into the stone room after the Scent-Seeking Butterfly.

At first glance, he saw Su Yang, he was taken aback, then knelt on one knee and respectfully called: "Young Saint!"

The little transparent butterfly settled on Gu Feidi's shoulder for a while, then took off and landed on Su Yang, flickering its wings.

The flower aides noticed that their Young Saint was wearing clothes with a bird pattern embroidered on the neckline belonging to Tengyun Pavilion. Judging from the material and style, it appeared to be the inner shirt.

Thus, everyone's eyes fell on Gu Feidi again and scrutiny flooded their gazes.

Su Yang should have breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Devil Sect, but he didn't know why he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

But he couldn't show it in front of the loyal subordinates here, so told Mei Shisan to get up and asked, "How is the fighting outside?"

Mei Shisan glanced at Gu Feidi, then stepped forward and removed the thin sword at his waist, handing it back to Su Yang—Su Yang received the thin sword and then realised that it was the one he had lost on the battlefield.

Mei Shisan said with a solemn expression: "Although the Central Plains martial world came to offer their support but Eluo Ghost Tent had already retreated before their arrival. When another team from Tengyun Pavilion arrived, a Central Plains fighter tried to plant the Eluo Ghost Tent conspiracy on our Sect. Fortunately, the Mei Hall Elder rushed over in time to assist, only then was I able to withdraw from the melee and head out with a search party."

At this time, Gu Feidi suddenly spoke up and asked, "Did you use Scent-Seeking Butterflies to find him or to find me?"

Su Yang realised that he did not have the fragrance of Lianxiang Rejuvenating pills on his body, therefore Mei Shisan's order to follow the lead of the Scent-Seeking Butterfly would have only led them to Gu Feidi.

Mei Shisan addressed Su Yang: "At the beginning, the Young Saint fell off the cliff with him, this subordinate guessed that you might have been travelling together. If only he was found this time, he would have been captured and tortured by the Devil Sect to determine your whereabouts."

This argument was reasonable. Su Yang nodded and then asked, "How did you locate us?"

Mei Shisan said, "The Scent-Seeking Butterfly entered into a crack in the ground and the inside was pitch black. I surmised that there might be a different type of place below, so I dug up the crack in the ground and lowered it into this place by rope. There were a lot of poisonous snakes on the way here and it took some time to exterminate them all."

After speaking, he cupped his fists, nodded and asked, "Shouldn't Young Saint be rushing back to the Sect?"

The thought of returning to the Devil Sect and all the official paperwork he needed to face made Su Yang's head ache.

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