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Three days later, accompanied by Mei Shisan, Su Yang returned to the Devil Sect's headquarters in the Wasteland.

Although Su Yang had found himself in headquarters of the Devil Sect when he'd first transmigrated over, he was discouraged and confused and didn't have time to observe and remember what it looked like. Now that he returned from Lesser Jade House after completing his discipleship, his mood had changed and he had a leisurely mind to go sightseeing in the Devil Sect.

Yes, sightseeing, the term was not excessive at all.

The headquarters of the Devil Sect was located in a rift valley Wasteland in the Gobi Desert. The scenery was magnificent and beautiful and wasn't inferior to Lesser Jade House. The sinkhole was deep and surrounded by large tracts of wind-eroded landforms encircling it. The people called it the 'Devil City'. Without knowing the special symbols of the Devil Sect, it was extremely difficult for outsiders to find the specific location of the Devil City sinkhole. They would only be trapped in the desert and die from hunger and thirst.

Under the Devil Sect's sinkhole, there was a deep blue lake. In the lake, there were two extremely high mountain islands protruding out. The Devil Sect buildings were mounted on the island cliffs and the surrounding canyon precipices, connected by a trestle bridge, forming layer upon layer of dazzling building complexes.

Maybe, it was because the previous lords of the Devil Sect loved flowers very much, countless of exotic flowers and plants had been artificially planted in this deep valley. When you were there, you wouldn't be able to feel the arid and hot Wasteland. It seemed like you had entered into a general area of the flourishing southern border.

One could imagine that if you looked down from the sky, the Devil Sect's headquarters was like a beautiful pearl faintly visible in the narrow gap of a sick clam.

Su Yang's residence was located on the smaller island on the lake and was called Iris Island.

Half of the houses here were excavated from the rock wall and half were suspended in the air. The exteriors were connected by various suspension bridges and iron cables, winding and zigzagging; it was picturesque in a disorderly way. Su Yang marvelled at his surroundings as he walked around, but he couldn't show it. His face displayed the 'I've-seen-this-all-before-a-million-times' expression. Without so much as a sideways glance, he returned to his room.

After freshening up and changing clothes again, Mei Shisan came to report that the elders were already waiting in the main hall. Su Yang hurried over to greet them.

In the main hall, the elders who were waiting nervously were the four who had been bedevilled by Su Yang's suicidal episodes before. Now seeing that their Young Saint had left Lesser Jade House safe and sound after completing his discipleship, each one of them was relieved and even the wrinkles on their faces had reduced a lot.

The four elders of the Devil Sect presided of the four main halls of Mei, Lan, Lian and Ju*.

(*TN : Mei = Plum, Lan = Orchid, Lian = Lotus, Ju = Chrysanthemum)

Mei Hall was mainly responsible for the Devil Sect's internal and external general affairs relating to the martial arts circles, as the headquarters' security, patrols and thugs for the properties. A few of the smarter ones would be assigned as bodyguards to the Sect leader and Young Saint —such as Mei Shisan.

Lan Hall was responsible for Devil Sect's estate management. Lan Wu, who was sent to run the inn at Meizhu Town, was from Lan Hall. Currently, he remained in Meizhu Town and continued to operate the inn. Of course, those from Lan Hall also relied on the convenience of their positions to do intelligence spying.

Those from Lian Hall were relatively mixed and were mainly responsible for the internal logistics and services such as food supplies and provisions, clothing manufacturing, repairs and renovations, purchasing, sanitation, laundry and other miscellaneous chores.

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