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This rocky plain was very close to the rift valley at Eluo Ghost Tent's border.

Su Yang had just looked at the map not long ago and knew that he would reach the edge of the rift valley soon after continuing north. It was close to noon and the direction of the sun was just right for him to determine his position.

Therefore, Su Yang decided to temporarily leave the Devil Sect's team of flower aides and lead Gu Feidi to the rift valley alone.

And in order for Gu Feidi to have a reason to pursue him, Su Yang decided to carry off Pu Lingyun!

This not only ensured that Gu Feidi would chase after him, but also ensured that Pu Lingyun would not be abandoned. It would be more convenient to force the two of them down the cliff together.

Su Yang instantly felt that he was so resourceful having come up with this idea!

While Su Yang was being hostile to Gu Feidi, he approached Xu Yunzhan and the woman whose face was still covered, who were looking on from the sidelines.

Devil Sect's Prized Flower Steps had always been regarded as the strongest light footwork skill in martial arts, because so far there was no higher skill that could compare to it and there was even none that could be on par with it. In addition, Su Yang's internal strength was profound and he had painstakingly practiced the Prized Flower Steps, so his body skills had become even more incomparably exquisite. If he wasn't waiting for Gu Feidi, he would already have broken through the encirclement with the Devil Sect flower aide and arrived in the Rift Valley earlier.

When he saw Gu Feidi at this moment, he naturally stopped holding back.

In an instant, Su Yang moved behind the masked woman riding the tan horse next to Xu Yunzhan, rendered her unconscious with a strategic hand chop to the back of her neck and hoisted her onto his shoulders, securing her with his arm around her waist.

"Su Yang! What are you doing?!"

Xu Yunzhan was taken aback, drew his sword and leapt swiftly forward shouting angrily: "You let her go!"

Su Yang said in his heart: Oops, I forgot that Xu Yunzhan still has outrageous desires about the heroine! Must definitely block this guy!

So he shouted loudly: "Mei Shisan! I'm handing Xu Yunzhan over to you! Don't let him chase him over!"

After he spoke, he had already escaped three or four feet away with his Prized Flower Steps.

Though Mei Shisan didn't understand the reason for it, he still instinctively listened to the order, turned around to join forces with another flower aide and confronted Xu Yunzhan.

Xu Yunzhan wanted to bypass him and catch up, but he also suffered from the martial arts of these two Devil Sect flower aides and he couldn't break through them at the moment.

Gu Feidi's face turned dark as well and he shouted, "Leave it to me, I'll chase him!"

Without waiting for Xu Yunzhan to reply, he sped ahead to chase in the direction Su Yang had escaped.

When Gu Feidi and Su Yang had completed their Lesser Jade House discipleship, their martial arts were beyond the reach of others. The few that had teamed up to fight against Su Yang earlier saw that they couldn't catch up to them, so they turned around to bog down the Devil Sect's troops who were trying to leave with Su Yang and tried to prevent them from going to the rescue.

During the fight, one of the Wujiangmen men quietly withdrew from the battle and sneakily walked behind a huge boulder, doing something secretive.

On a high stone cliff in the distance, the small white ghost owl suddenly opened his eyes, turned his neck round half a circle and took off spreading his wings out into the sky.

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