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Su Yang and Gu Feidi were wholly absorbed in eliminating the Gu and they didn't pay attention to anything else at all. In addition, Luo Yu intentionally concealed it and both of them were completely kept in the dark.

Qin Jianyue made a round trip from Yuqiong Peak to Tengyun Pavilion and back all by himself, but didn't get to see Gu Ruohai. In the end, he only received news that he had gone out on a long journey.

During this period, in order to fine-tune Su Yang's body to its optimum condition before eliminating the Gu, Luo Yu not only continued to give Su Yang acupuncture every other day, but also added herbal medicines that needed to be decocted and a medicated bath every night.

This was the first time in his life that Su Yang had come into contact with herbal decoctions. He had his first mouthful, couldn't bear it and spit it all out.

"This medicine is practically inhuman, okay?" Su Yang wrinkled his nose and rejected it. "Can't it be made into pills? It's better to just swallow them whole. Who can stand drinking a decoction like this?"

Luo Yu put the medicine bowl down on the table and paused. Then, he smiled sarcastically: "These few days, I've been tending to your health and haven't said one harsh word to you. You still want to be served. Make pills? Who has the time to grind medicine powder and roll them into pills for you?"

Su Yang flattened his mouth and threw a glance at Gu Feidi.

Gu Feidi immediately understood: "If you need......"

"No need." Luo Yu rolled his eyes and said leisurely, "Anyone else can take the medicine in pill form, but not him. There are a few herbs in it that need to be decocted with water. It's too strong to consume in powder form, which may trigger his internal strength's resistance to the worm poison and instead, intensify the symptoms."

Hearing this, Gu Feidi silently shut his mouth.

Luo Yu snorted and looked at Su Yang with disdain: "How old is he, he's not a young child. Kicking up such a fuss over drinking some medicine. Gu Feidi, watch him and make sure he drinks it all. If he doesn't drink it, give him mouth-to-mouth and force it down his throat."

He raised his eyebrows and warned again: "Oh, that's right. This medicine has peculiar properties. After drinking, you mustn't consume sweetmeats or maltose or drink water for two hours. Otherwise, the effect will fall short. So when it comes time to eliminate the Gu, then you'll know what it's like to suffer."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. It wasn't known if it was a joke or not.

Su Yang eyed the bowl of black decoction. Internally, he was truly... struggling.

He wasn't actually a pampered person and he had never intentionally acted like a pretentious spoiled child. However, he had just taken a mouthful from the bowl of medicine in front of him and he absolutely didn't want to touch it ever again.

It wasn't just the bitterness. After all, he was also someone who was used to drinking pure black coffee. The problem was that this medicine wasn't just bitter, it was also a mixture of all kinds of bizarre flavours... If he definitely had to describe it, he felt that drinking this bowl of medicine was tantamount to a lingering death for his taste buds.

Besides, as per the doctor's instructions, he couldn't consume sweet things after drinking the medicine and he couldn't even swallow his saliva to dilute the taste in his throat.

Su Yang simply had nothing left to live for.

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Seeing his resistance, Gu Feidi picked up the bowl of medicine and sat down beside Su Yang, "Good medicine is bitter. Since it is for eliminating the Gu, prepare yourself. No matter what, you still need to drink the medicine."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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