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On the afternoon of the previous day, after following Xu Yunzhan to Qianfeng Villa, he had arranged for Su Yang to rest in a separate guest courtyard.

However, Su Yang's worries about Gu Feidi once again caused him to lose sleep. He lay tossing and turning on the bed, unable to fall asleep, so he went into the courtyard to practice swords again. It wasn't until he heard the Chou period* gong sound from the night watchman on his rounds** outside the courtyard that he went back to the house to lie down.

(*TN : Chou period = 1am – 3am)

(**TN : in ancient China, it was common to have night watchmen patrolling the streets after hours with a small gong and lantern. They were responsible for sounding the gong and shouting out the current time periods after every few steps)

Su Yang was in and out of sleep until the sky turned bright. He was awoken by the sound of rustling footsteps and slowly opened his eyes.

Gu Feidi was covered with the scent of fresh, cold morning dew. He walked to the bed and looked down at the half-opened shirt, messy-haired and drowsy-eyed Su Yang.

Seeing that it was him, Su Yang immediately became clear-headed and his glistening eyes suddenly lit up his whole face.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help curling up. He lay on the pillow and tilted his head to gaze at Gu Feidi with a slight smile: "Aaa, you escaped from prison?"

Gu Feidi threw the bag he was holding onto the table next to him without answering. He straightaway pressed Su Yang's shoulder down and ruthlessly kissed his lips.

Su Yang only struggled slightly in his heart for a moment and let Gu Feidi put his tongue into his mouth.

It seemed that Gu Feidi had just bathed recently, as there was a touch of water vapor on his body, making the fragrance of flowers even more refreshing. Su Yang liked the taste and gradually became immersed in the kiss. He raised his hand to wrap around Gu Feidi's neck and gently ran his fingers through his hair.

Gu Feidi's breathing began to get messy.

He kissed Su Yang and rubbed the supple and pliant back of the man in his arms through his silk shirt.

Su Yang's skin was a bit cold and Gu Feidi's palms were blazing. In the noticeable chill of the late autumn morning, the spread of passionate heat onto his body was an extremely glorious sensation. Su Yang couldn't help but let out a moan of satisfaction.

Gu Feidi raised his head slightly and broke off his kiss. He stared at Su Yang's misty eyes which were so near to his.

He pecked on Su Yang's lips again and again, then scattered soft kisses on Su Yang's cheeks, ears and neck... his breaths were becoming warmer and warmer, they danced on Su Yang's skin and he couldn't help trembling.

At the next moment, Gu Feidi's palm found the collar and he probed into Su Yang's already half-open undershirt.

Su Yang grabbed hold of Gu Feidi's wrist and pushed him away.

"Don't you know that you shouldn't provoke a man who has just woken up?" He gasped out, "Don't simply light fires, not to mention that this is in someone else's house..."

Gu Feidi closed his eyes and calmed his breathing. He leaned over and sucked heavily on Su Yang's lips before obediently getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Seeing Su Yang tidying up his clothes, he pinched his chin and laughed huskily: "If I had known earlier that I would be able to come out so quickly, I shouldn't have let you come to Qianfeng Villa."

Su Yang raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"If we were still at the inn, no matter what..." Gu Feidi revealed a smirk that was exactly like the Devil Sect's Young Saint, "...I won't let you get away so easily."

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