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Fan Xi was silent for a moment, then a smile lit up his whole face and he said: "Thank you, Young Saint, for your compliment!"

Now it was Su Yang 's turn to be silent.

He thought to himself: Although Fan Er's clown appearance had changed to a handsome, tanned-skinned youth, the traits of this lap dog lackey were still the same.

Whilst this was not in line with the plot, since Fan Xi's character had already appeared, Su Yang could not act too distant with his number one lackey, so he smiled back at him in response.

The originally lively atmosphere in front of Lesser Jade House mountain gate suddenly became frostier due to Fan Xi's sudden appearance and Su Yang's strange disposition. Each person formed a small circle with their own acquaintances. They no longer bothered Gu Feidi as they waited peacefully for the remaining martial artists to arrive.

It wasn't until the sun was blazing from the west did the lady in white, who had been leaning against the stone monolith, reading a book for the whole time, finally straightened. She rolled up the book in her hand and cast a blank look across everyone present.

"The sixty-six jade bells have all been found, let's start the first assessment." She said softly, "The martial artists with the jade bells can come forward and strike me with your internal force. I will judge whether or not you are qualified to enter the mountain."

When she had finished her sentence, the whole area fell silent.

After a while, the crowd began whispering.

Someone asked, "That lady said... to strike her?"

Another piped in, "Can her weak and delicate build withstand so many of us attacking with internal force?"

Someone said, "The lady doesn't look like she's that old. No matter how strong her internal strength is, can she best the Devil Sect's demon spawn? If she is injured by the demon spawn, then the assessment can't continue and we will all be eliminated!"

"But she is now at her peak and the few who attack her first would definitely be at a disadvantage. If we strike too early, it might work against our favour of being selected..."

"Then... should we wait? I hope that the Devil Sect demon spawn won't attack too early."

"Even if the Devil Sect demon spawn doesn't, there's still Young Hero Gu! His internal strength is also extremely profound..."

Everyone there had been discussing it for a long time, but no one was willing to go first.

The lady in white didn't seem to be in a hurry either. She stood quietly, her eyes glazed and staring into the distance, her thoughts having wandered off to who-knows-where.

Su Yang's original intention was to be the first to advance forward and proceed through the gates early after the assessment. But he had some misgivings in his heart: His own body's internal strength was really strong. What if he wounded this feeble and delicate lady, the assessment would be forced to stop. Gu Feidi wouldn't be able to enter Lesser Jade House. What would happen to the storyline?

As such, Su Yang couldn't make a move before Gu Feidi and could only wait obediently.

Feeling anxious, he subconsciously began to bite his nails.

Just then, Fan Xi approached, fished out some melon seeds from somewhere and proffered them to Su Yang with a smile, "Young Saint, please have some."

Su Yang: ......

Who'd have thought that it would feel so nice to have such a loyal follower?

Look at the perceptiveness of this tanned-skinned guy compared to that 'Fan Er' from the cast who was terribly unprofessional and would always provoke Su Yang.

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