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Myllion: checks her phone ) I gotta go, I'll see y'all later

Mary: have a good day and stay out of trouble please

Myllion: yes ma'am, bye yall

( Myllion leaves out the house and goes to her boyfriend's car)

Theo: wassup my baby ( licks his lips) you looking good today

Myliion:(blushing) thank you Theo( leans over to kiss him) I missed you

Theo: mm I missed you too (starts driving)

Myllion:( frowns , looking at his face) what happened to your face ?

Theo: nothing I'm straight

Myllion: Theodore , what happened ?

Theo: my name is Theo

Myllion: Ya mama named you Theodore, what the hell happened to your face? You got a  fucking black eye

Theo: smacks his lip) I said I'm good, I got the situation handled

Myllion: mumbles) don't seem like it, they fucked your up

Theo:( backslaps her) yo watch what the fuck you say, I ain't no punk ass nigga. Them niggas gone get what the fuck the deserve !

Myllion:holding her cheek) let me out

Theo:(sighs) I ain't mean to hit you

Myllion: let me out ! I'll fucking walk to school

Theo: it's raining Millie

Myllion: let me the fuck out ! You always getting mad at me when I'm speaking the truth, let me the fuck out before I call the fucking police !

Theo:(pulls over to the side of the street) ight

Myllion:I hate you (grabs her bag and gets out slamming the door)

Myllion pov: once I got out the care Theo sped off. It was raining hard so I quickly got my umbrella out and called my brother. I hope he is closer where he can pick me up. I felt the tears fall and my face was throbbing from where Theo slapped me. I love Theo but he just get too wrapped up in these streets.

Antonio:(answers ) wassup baby sis

Myllion:(sniffs ) can you pick me up and drop me off at school please ?

Antonio: you crying ? Where you at ?

Myllion: on the corner of 2nd street and broadway

Antonio: ight I'm like 5 blocks away

Myllion: okay

(Myllion hangs up. A few minutes later Antonio pulls up.)

Antonio: now what happened ?

Myllion:(closes the door ) Theo and I got into it and I told him to let me out

Antonio:( looking at her) he hit you ?

Myllion: um- no I was cold so you know I turn red

Antonio: stop fucking lying to me millie. Did he hit you ?

Myllion: nods ) yeah

Antonio: speeding off ) alright I got something for him

Myllion: no Tony please

Antonio: ain't no nigga finna hit my sister, pops ain't play that and I don't either

Myllion: I love him Tony, he's not always like that I promise. Please let me just give him some time and then I'll talk to him

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