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Justice:happy fucking 20th birthday sissy !!( recording her )

Myllion:(standing on the table twerking) ayeeee

Myllion pov; I was so cross faded right now. I was having the time of my life tho. We ended up getting back to the house at 3am. I went in the room quietly and saw Major was a sleep. I took a quick shower and slipped on my gown then got in bed. I scooted close to him and laid on his chest. His arm tightened around me and I instantly fell asleep.


Major: happy birthday beautiful (hands her a gift bag) I hope you love it

Myllion; aww thank you baby ( sits up and opens the gift bag and pulls out a small box ) oooh jewelry

Myllion pov: I opened the box and instantly started crying. It was a diamond heart shaped necklace with a picture of me and my daddy. A few weeks ago I was so upset because it was broken from when me and Alexis were fighting that I couldn't wear it and he got me a better one.

Myllion:( stands up and hugs him) thank you so much baby, I love it

Major: wipes her tears) you're welcome bae. I knew you were upset about the other one and I wanted to make sure you always had that memory of y'all dad

Myllion: sniffs) I really appreciate it baby (kisses him)

Major: you're welcome (puts it on her neck)

Myllion pov: Major really made my day. He is the sweetest guy ever. We went to do our morning routines and then got dressed. I was bout to leave out the room when my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw that it was my mama and Andrew group FaceTiming me.

Myllion: answers ) good morning

Andrew: happy birthday baby girl

Lauren:happy birthday honey !

Myllion:(smiles) thank you

Lauren: we just wanted to tell you happy birthday and to have fun and be safe

Myllion: I will love you guys

Andrew: we love you too

(They hang up. Myllion goes down stairs )

Antonio: happy birthday sis !

Justice: happy birthday baby sis !

Myllion: thank you (smiling hard )

Justice: open my gift first (handing her a card)

Myllion: opens it) no way ! Jussy you giving me this

Justice: yes, $50,000 for you to put towards you business so once you graduate you'll be all set to move on to bigger and better things (smiles )

Myllion: I'm so glad I didn't put on make up ( crying, pulls Justice into a hug) thank you sissy, I love you so much

Justice: I love you too

Antonio: now look at what big bro got you

Myllion: is it gone make me cry ?( laughs )

Antonio: possibly (smiles)

Myllion pov: Antonio pulled out this huge box and when I opened it was a painting of the three of us our dad. Out of the three of us I was the daddy's baby for sure. I love my mama to death but I wanted to be everywhere my daddy went. I miss him so much.

Antonio: hugging her) I got one more for you (handing her a smaller frame ) press the button

Myllion:thank you Tony (sniffs and wipes her tears then presses the button)

Frankie:(old voicemail starts playing) happy birthday princess. I hope you enjoy this one and the rest to come. Daddy loves you so much princess.

Myllion:Tony (covers her face )

Antonio:(pulls her into a tight hug) I know you miss him, we all do. I just wanted you to have another piece of him with you

Myllion:thank you bubba, I love it

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