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Myllion: Major!! ( breathing hard ) Major come here !

Major: groans and slowly opens his eyes ) what's wrong baby ?( sitting up, trying to gather himself )

Myllion: my water broke!(Sitting on the bathroom floor)

Major: jumps up) what !( comes to the bathroom door ) oh shit !

Myllion:(groans in pain) ughh , call 911 !

Myllion pov: the last few days I've been feeling cramp like pain on and off but these were the worst and they woke me up. I thought I had to pee so I went into the bathroom but before I could make it I felt water down my legs and then the pain hit me and I slid down to the floor. The baby was coming and I don't think imma make it to the hospital.

King: knocking on their door) aye yall good in there?

Major:(opens the door and hands him the phone ) call 911 and tell them Millie is going into labor

King: oh shit really ?

Major: king call them !( going into the bathroom and bends down next to myllion) your gonna be okay we, gone get you to the hospital soon ( grabs a towel and runs cold water on it and starts wiping the sweat off her forehead )

Myllion: ugh ( crying) I gotta push !

Major: what ? No don't push(panicking ) King what are they saying ? She's trying to push

King: on the phone ) um she's pushing we need somebody here quick !

Myllion: ahhhh !

Major: deep breaths baby ... in and out ( looks under her gown) uh oh

Myllion: what !? Uh oh what ?( eyes widen)

King: comes to the bathroom door) they're like 10 minutes away

Major: go in the hall closet and get more towels, the baby's head is coming out

Myllion: ahhhh ( pushing ) I can't do this (crying)

Major: hey baby listen it's gonna be okay, I need you to focus on your breathing, okay do that for me please

Myllion pov: everything was happening so quick. King came back with the towels and Major looked under my gown and saw more of the baby's head. At this point I had no choice but to keep pushing. Everybody was panicking. This was the worst pain I have ever been in. I tried to focus on my breathing and finally let out a sigh of relief once I felt the baby come out. Major wrapped her in a towel and tied the cord off with a piece of floss. The Paramedics came on followed by king and began checking us out and getting us ready for transport to the hospital. I just gave birth to my first baby!

Major pov; it was 4:30 in the morning and my heart was racing, I couldn't believe I just delivered my own baby. We got in the paramedic truck and they drove us to the hospital. Once we got there the doctors and nurses checked the baby out and Millie and made sure they were straight. I was so shocked I had to call my dad.

M/d:(answers the phone half asleep) hello

Major: I'm a father now , I just delivered my daughter (tearing up)

M/d: what! Millie had the baby ? Congratulations

Major: thank you, she woke me up screaming from the bathroom and then she just started pushing.

M/d: wow , I'm so happy for y'all son. Send me some pictures

Major: I will, we just got to the hospital and the doctors are still checking them out

M/d: alright, let me know how everything goes

Major: I will

(They hang up)

Nurse: Mr. Brooks you can come in now (smiles)

Major:(smiles and walks in the room) aww look at her (walking over to the bed)

Myllion:(smiling) she's so beautiful

Major:yes she is (kisses her forehead) you did so good baby

Myllion:you too..

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