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Myllion: hey major, I been trying to catch up with you so we can finish the project

Major: I been busy (walking away)

Myllion: following him) did I do something wrong ?

Major: nah, it was my fault, I caught feelings for somebody I barely know. I'll finish the project in my own and I'll just send you a copy. I don't wanna be bothered (walks in his class)

Myllion pov: I was kinda hurt no lie cause me and Major were getting a long so well and he was a good friend. Now he doesn't even want to talk to me no more.

Destiny: walking up behind her) hey Pooh you okay ?

Myllion: sighs) I messed up with major

Destiny: what happened ?

Myllion: we got high at my sister party and we kissed but I told him I didn't think I was ready for a relationship and now he's a little upset

Destiny: I don't think you're not ready for another relationship, I just think you got your guard up because you feel the next nigga might be just like Theo

Myllion: I really like Major, what should I do ?

Destiny: just give him a few days then try talking to him

Myllion: sighs) thanks girl

Damien: you like myllion a lot huh?

Major: bro yes, she's smart as hell, and pretty. I love her personality.

Damien:it's not that she doesn't want to be with you, it's just her ex did her so wrong and she's probably scared all niggas the same

Major:(sighs) what should I do ?

Damien: go talk to her

Later that afternoon:

Myllion: mama ?

Lauren: I'm in the laundry room

Myllion:( goes to the laundry room) I need your advice

Lauren: what's up ?

Myllion: it's about my friend Major. He's a really nice guy and I really like him. We kissed the other night and it caught me off guard. I told him I didn't want a relationship tho

Lauren: honey you're scared. I see it all in your face. Theo made you lose trust in men and you feel like no one will treat you good. I experienced that before

Myllion: what should I do ?

Lauren: go up to your room and talk to him, he's been waiting on you(smirks)

Myllion: what he's here!?

Lauren: yeah got here about five minutes ago. go on now. Just be honest and tell him how you feel

Myllion: mama I can't

Lauren: you can and you will, your father and I always taught you to speak your mind, now go

(Myllion goes to her room.)

Myllion: hi Major (shutting the door behind her )

Major:hey, I brought you these (hands her a bouquet of flowers)

Myllion:they're beautiful, thank you (smiles)

Major: you're welcome

Myllion: soo... are we finishing the project or ?

Major: I think we should talk first

Myllion:nods and sits on her bed) I like you a lot. Your personality is impeccable, your corny jokes . Your smile. Everything about you I like. My ex and I were together 5 years. He treated me good, spent money on me, took me out, we took pictures together and everything. I thought things were perfect but then he started to hit me when he would get mad and then I found out the last two years he had been cheating on me and that he was expecting a baby. That broke my heart. I felt like all dudes would be the same and I just didn't want to go through that again

Major:(gets up and sits next to her) I would never do that to you. You didn't deserve that at all. You're beautiful and smart and anybody is lucky to have you in their life. I like you a lot and I'm willing to take things as slow as you want if you willing to give me a chance

Myllion:(smiles) seriously?

Major: mhm, I want you

Myllion:(leans in and kisses him) I want you too

Major: smiles) don't be playing wit me now, you for real?

Myllion: laughs) yes I'm for real

Major:good (smiles) let's finish this project

Myllion: nahhh Mr. imma finish by myself , you got it (smirks)

Major:(laughs) girl come help me
I'm not playing

Myllion: mmm I don't know, I think I need an apology

Major:I'm sorry mamas (smiles) now come help me

Myllion:laughs ) okay okay

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