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Myllion pov: I had just got home from class and I was kinda tired but I needed to order a few things for the salon. These last few months have been amazing since we had the baby. I can't believe she's 4 months already. My sister was watching majesty for us tonight and I know she's having fun cause her and the twins get along so well. Our kids are gonna be so close I can just picture it. Another good thing is King finally went back to Ohio so me and bae have the house all to ourselves and I just know I'm getting dicked down tonight! It's been so long and we've both been on weird schedules. But tonight it's just about us. Anyways I had just walked in the house and I was hearing very loud moaning. Then as I made my way down the hall to the bedroom I started seeing clothes on the floor. I quickly opened the room door and saw Major and Yasmine in bed together.

Yasmine: oh shit !( covering up)

Major: ba-bae I can explain

Myllion: holding back tears ) wow Major, just when I thought you were different

Major pov; these last few months we been super busy and we ain't really been having time for each other. Yasmine came over looking for myllion and then we started drinking and smoking and then one thing led to another. I fucked up.

Yasmine: Millie I am so sorry , I didn't mean for any of this to happen

Myllion: you can have his sorry ass ( throws the ring on the floor ) and you're fired ! Get the fuck out !

(Yasmine gathers her stuff and quickly leaves )

Major: no Millie please let's talk this out. I can fix this bae I'm sorry

Myllion: tears fall) for once in my life i thought I found happiness. We had a baby, we were bout to get married, we were even supposed to move outta state and buy a fucking house ! And you sleep with my fucking employee. I hate you !(walks out the room)

Major:puts on his shorts and starts following her ) baby please let me fix this (grabs her hand )

Myllion:(starts punching him ) how could you fucking cheat on me when I gave you every fucking thing ?

Major: Millie stop hitting me

Myllion:(punches him in the eye while still swinging ) FUCK YOU IM LEAVING!


Myllion pov: it was like major ticked. I was laying on the ground in pain from him pushing me into the wall and the next thing I know his fist started connecting with my face. I started screaming for him to stop but he kept swinging on me.

Major:picks her ring up off the floor and puts it back on her finger ) you ain't going no fucking where, go clean yo self up

(Myllion is laying on the floor crying)

Major: yanks her head up by her hair) I said get the fuck up!

Myllion pov: I was terrified at this point. I never thought Major would be like this. There was blood all over my face and the wall and floor. I was in so much pain. I slowly got up and limped to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I couldn't even recognize myself. My face was super swollen. I began cleaning myself up. I didn't know what to do.

( myllion walks into the room.)

Major pov: no what the fuck did I just do. Myllion slowly limped into the room and her face was super red and swollen and even bloody. I promised my self I would keep my anger under control. I was doing so good for years. Today just made me tick.

Myllion:e-excuse me ( trying to get past him into the closet )

Major: bae I am so sorry ( lifts his hand to wipe her tears)

Myllion:( covers her face) please don't hit me !

Major: backs up ) I- I'm sorry

Major pov: I grabbed my phone and car keys and left the house. I sat in my car and quickly group FaceTimed my dad and Angel.

Angel: (answers )hello,Omg is that blood on you !?

M/d:(answers) boy what the hell happened to you?

Major: tears falling) I- I messed up really bad and I think I'm about to go to jail. I didn't mean to do it

M/d; Major who's blood is that ?

Angel: what did you do?

Major; I cheated on Millie and she walked in on us. She started starting hitting me and then I blacked out. When I realized what I did she was coming out the bathroom. Her face is barely recognizable

M/d; fuck ! Have you been taking your meds ?

Angel: what the hell major ? You loved that woman and now look what you did. Where is she ?

Major: yes I've been taking my meds, and she's in the house

M/d; I dont even know what to tell you major

Myllion pov; I was in so much pain and scared. I didn't know if he was gone come back. I grabbed my purse and slid out our room window and started limping down the alley. I looked to make sure he wasn't around and I started banging on people doors but no one would answer. I reached for my phone and dialed Damien's number. Man I hope he picks up.

Damien; answers ) hey sis

Myllion:(crying ) Dame I need help

Damien: what's wrong ?

Myllion: Major beat me.

Damien: he what !? Oh hell nah. Look I'm finna leave work right now it's gone take me a minute to get to you though. Where you at ? Are you safe?

Myllion: I've been knocking on people doors and nobody helping me. I'm just walking the blocks.

Damien: leaving his desk walking to the elevator ) send me your location I'm on my way

Myllion: okay

Myllion pov; once I got off the phone with Damien I continued limping until a car pulled up on me. Then a guy got out, I looked up and it was Theo.

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