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3 months later:

Myllion pov: I was healing very quickly and I was able to return to school two weeks ago, but decided that today I was ready tot go in.I have to use crutches tho. It feels good being back in the classroom. Everybody was saying they were glad I was okay and happy to see me back. It was feeling really good to see everybody.

Major: smiles ) welcome back (holding the door open for her )

Myllion: smiles) thank you (goes in )

Major: no problem

Professor: welcome Myllion, how are you feeling ?

Myllion: I'm pretty good, be better once I can walk on my own.

Professor: well we're happy you're back

Myllion: thank you (smiles)

Professor: Major will you get her caught up on the assignment from yesterday

Major: yes ma'am

(Myllion goes to her seat)

Major: sits next to Myllion) you healed pretty quick, I fractured my femur when I was like 12 and it took forever to heal

Myllion: it's a long process very painful

Major:( nods) well we are partners for this project, we have to make a business plan proposing a new company we would want to open.

Myllion; okay, seems easy enough, when is it due ?

Major: in 3 weeks , I think on the 4th

Myllion: okay cool

Major: so where you wanna work on it at? We could meet at the library or my house

Myllion: you could come to my house , we could get to know each other more since I've been out pretty much the whole semester

Major: alright that's cool (smiles )

Later that day:

Andrew: hey baby girl how was class ?

Myllion: it was fine, it felt good to be back. This is my friend Major, we are working on a business project. Major this is my step father Andrew

Major: nice to meet you sir

Andrew: you too

(They shake hands and then they go down the hall to the room.)

Myllion:giggles a little) excuse the mess, my room is upstairs but I can't really bend yet so I just been sleeping in here ( moving her covers out the way)

Major:laughs) you're good

( They sit down)

Myllion: so Major, what's your story? Where you originally from?

Major: I was born in Baltimore then we moved to Dayton Ohio when I was 8. Then I moved down here when I transferred

Myllion: I knew you had to be from Baltimore you got that cute accent . I love the way y'all sound (smiles)

Major: laughs) well thank yew

Myllion: ayeee you did it cause you knew I was finna ask (laughs)

Major: I swear that's all people ask, for us to say two, you, due and avenue, but you from Detroit aren't you ?

Myllion: how you know ? You been asking about me?(smirking)

Major: y'all got a little accent to

Myllion: really ? I don't hear it

Major: it's sexy tho, you sound like kashdoll

Myllion:( burst out laughing even harder) well thank you, you got siblings ?

Major: yeah 3 brothers 5 sisters

Myllion: woah really, I bet y'all had so much fun when y'all were kids

Major: yeah we did, my brothers are triplets, two sets of twin sisters and then it's me and we got a baby sister who's 10

Myllion: y'all all get along? Cause sometimes I be having to knock some sense into my siblings

Major:( laughs) yeah we get along, we fight some times but we still love each other

Myllion: your parents still together ?

Major: yeah they're about to celebrate their 22nd wedding anniversary

Myllion: aww that is so cute, my mom and step dad been married 9 years. Her and my birth dad were married for five years

Major: that's still good , a lot of people don't witness their parents being married or even still together. You and your birth dad still talk ?

Myllion: well he's deceased now, he was murdered in a robbery. But I was a daddy's girl so I'm always at the cemetery sitting there talking.

Major: I'm sorry I shouldn't asked

Myllion: it's okay, you didn't know.

Major: were you young when he passed ?

Myllion: I was 14, I remember coming home from cheer practice and my siblings were crying

Major: damn that's so messed up, I'm really sorry for your loss

Myllion: thank you major (smiles ) so how did you get your name ? it's not very common

Major: my pops was getting on my mama nerves her whole pregnancy and she would always call him a major pain in the ass (laughs) so he would always rub her stomach and call me major and they just stuck with it

Myllion:(laughs) ooh I just know you were bad as a kid just based off that

Major: laughs) I was but that's besides the point, I'm good now.What made your parents spell your name different that most millions ?

Myllion: my mama and daddy were extra, plus my daddy was a kingpin and it was said that he had Millions of dollars. And he loved his money so they named me Myllion

Major: I like it, especially since not too many people named million but the way it's spell is really different

Myllion: thank you

Myllion pov: we spent just about a whole two hours getting to know each other. He was so cool to talk to. He's funny as hell and he got a good as vibe. Plus he's fine as hell, like omg !

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