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Damien: how's the custody stuff going ?( playing with the baby)

Myllion: it's good, they granted me full custody but they said he'll still have visitation rights once he gets out unless something happens and he does something harmful then I can take that away

Damien: I'm so sorry you had to go through that sis

Myllion:( sighs) I've been going through so much these last few years. When is my life gone get easier ?

Damien; life not meant to be easy. You gone always face some type of obstacle but you gotta learn how to get over that. You got this beautiful baby girl and a successful business going and that's something that should make you happy. You living and that's the best part. You gone be straight Millie it just takes time.

Myllion: nods) I just feel like all my plans I had aren't going the way they should

Damien: give it time baby sis, when you least expect it, something good gone happen

(The baby throws up on him)

Damien: eww, come on maj could've gave uncle dee a warning

Myllion:( starts laughing and takes the baby from him) I been told you to stop bouncing her knowing I just fed her

Damien:(laughs) I'll be back (goes upstairs)

Myllion:(wiping the baby's mouth) you got uncle dee good mama (smiles)

Majesty:(giggling )

Myllion:you're just the prettiest girl in the whole world (kisses her cheek)

(A few minutes later Damien comes back down)

Damien: so, what's been going on with you and Theo?

Myllion: huh?

Damien:(smirks ) if you can huh you can hear? You and Theo ?

Myllion: nothings going on, he's just been checking on me since the incident.

Damien: you miss him?

Myllion:(sighs and nods ) yes honestly. He's like a different person. He's been super sweet since I got out the hospital. Every time I'm around him I just start remembering all our good times together and I miss that so much.

Damien: sighs) even tho I don't like that Nigga, he did keep you happy majority of the time. Have you told him how you felt ?

Myllion: we had sex and he said he wanted me back and I told him I needed to clear my head first

Damien: but do you really want to rekindle things with him?

Myllion: nods slowly) I miss him, I'm still in love with him. Ain't shit changed, he always had a place in my heart.

Damien: then tell him exactly how you feel

Myllion: I will eventually

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