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Theo pov: me and Millie we out having dinner and celebrating our anniversary. We been doing real good since we got back together. We had just finished our meal and the waitress brought out our dessert. I had them make a small cake and I was excited to see Millie's reaction to it.

Myllion: ooh that looks so good

Waitress:( sits the cake on the table) you two enjoy

Theo: thank you

Myllion; looking at the cake ) will you marry me? (Looks up at Theo )

(Theo gets up and walks over to her and gets down on one knee)

Everybody: awwww!

Theo:I know we had our ups and downs but you're my entire world. I love you and majesty to death and I don't see life without y'all. I wanna wake up every morning next to you for the rest of my life (pulls the ring out ) so
Will you marry me?

Myllion:( tears falling ) yes

Everybody: starts cheering) yeahhhh!

Theo:( smiles and slides the ring on her finger) I love you

Myllion:(stands up and hugs him ) I love you more (kisses him)

Myllion pov: Theo just asked me to marry him and I'm super happy. I hope everything works out for us tho. Major and I were so close to getting married then things went south. After we left the restaurant we got back in the car and then headed home. I went next door and got majesty from our neighbors since they watched her for me and then went in the house. I got her settled and put to bed then me and Theo took our shower and got changed.

Theo: holding her by the waist ) Mrs. Myllion James has a ring to it

Myllion:( smiles) it does sound nice

Theo: I didn't think you would say yes honestly

Myllion: why not ?

Theo: because we been through a lot in the pass and we just now getting back together. I didn't know if you were ready

Myllion:turns around to face him) I've always dreamed of being your wife. Things have been doing extremely good since we got back together you love me and my daughter. We are happy. This was the perfect time

Theo:( smiles) I love you

Myllion: I love you too

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