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A two days later:

Major:( standing up rocking the baby to sleep) she's so perfect

Myllion: sitting on the bed ) y'all are so cute, she's gonna be a daddy's girl for sure(smiles)

Nurse: walking in the room) hey you guys ready to go home?

Myllion: yes, I miss my bed (laughs)

Nurse:( laughs) I bet, Dr. Smith just wants me to check you and the baby's vitals then I'll wheel you downstairs

Myllion; okay

Major: handing the baby to the nurse) I just texts king and he's out front with the truck

Myllion: he got here quick

Major: laughs) and it better not be a scratch on my truck either, you know he can't drive ( picking up the car seat )

Myllion:(laughs) I'm sure it's fine

Nurse: well baby girl is all healthy, vitals are very good and she's already to go ( smiles handing her back to major)

Major: ooh look who decided to open her eyes(smiles while strapping her into the car seat) hi my pretty girl

Nurse:checking myllion's vitals) you feeling alright mama?

Myllion: yeah just eager to go home (smiles)

Nurse:alright everything is good with you too (filling out the paper work) I just need a signature here (handing her the clipboard)

Myllion:(signs it) thank you

Nurse:(smiles) well congratulations you two and best of luck

Major: thank you

Major pov: the nurse wheeled myllion down to the front door while I carried the baby and the bags. Once we got to the car I strapped the baby in and king and the nurse helped Millie into the back seat.

Major:(getting into the drivers seat) you good back there bae ?

Myllion: yeah, we're fine

King: bro I could've drove home

Major: with my newborn daughter in the car ? Hell nah.

King: I know how to drive bro (laughs)

Major; nope, not risking it (pulls off)

Myllion pov: we had got something to eat and then went home. We got the baby changed and settled and then Major helped me shower and get changed. I stood in the mirror looking at my body and I was huge compared to before my pregnancy. I had gained so much weight and I don't know how I feel about it as of right now.

(Myllion now)

Major: aht aht, I know what you're thinking and don't even say it cause you look good as hell ( feeling on her ) and soon these 6 weeks up imma be right up in between all of this (smiles)

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Major: aht aht, I know what you're thinking and don't even say it cause you look good as hell ( feeling on her ) and soon these 6 weeks up imma be right up in between all of this (smiles)

Myllion:(laughs a little) it looks good?

Major; licks his lips) mhm, don't change a thing. I love it

Myllion: still looking at her self) I don't know how I feel about it yet. I used to be so small

Major: it takes some getting used to baby , but I honestly think you look really good( kisses her cheek wrapping his arms around her )

Myllion:(blushing) thank you baby

Major: you're welcome beautiful, now come on. Bring yo chunky self to bed so I can't cater to you

Myllion: smiles) you gone rub my feet ?

Major: I'll rub whatever you need rubbed, you just pushed out my baby. I owe you the world right now

Myllion: oooh I'm loving this treatment

Myllion pov: it still feels so strange being a mother. My daughter is such a beautiful blessing and I want to give her the world. She was 6 pounds 3 ounces and was literally her daddy's twin. But she has my eyes. This is our first not home with her and hopefully it goes well. The last two days at the hospital hasn't been bad.

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