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Theo: myllion ?( running over to her ) what happened ? Who did this to you ?

Myllion:( looking back to make sure major isn't riding around) please help me

Theo: come on I got you ( walking her to his car and opens the passenger door)

Theo pov: I haven't seen myllion in years. She's was severely beaten and I could tell she was in pain. I drove her straight to the emergency room cause no telling how bad her injuries are. Once we got there they rushed her to a room and had me wait in the waiting room. I hope she's okay. I don't know who did this but I went on her sister's instagram and sent her a message and she sent me her number telling me to call her, so I did .

Justice: what do you mean my sister got beat up !? How did you find her ?

Theo: I was leaving my mama's house and I saw a girl limping up the street so I got out the car to help and it was her. I barely recognized her. Her face is fucked up. I brought her straight to the emergency room.

Justice: shit okay, lemme call Damien and see if he can baby sit for me

Damien: goes up to the front desk ) hi I'm looking for my sister Myllion Reed

Nurse: she was just brought in , the doctors are still examining her. Have a seat in the waiting room for me, and I'll call the back for updates

Damien: okay thank you( walking into the waiting room)

Damien pov: I was on my way to pick Millie up when I checked her location and it said she was in the hospital. Man I swear after I see is my sister okay, imma go kill that nigga.

Theo: Um Damien is here

Justice: what ? Go talk to him. She probably called him. Im on my way. I gotta get a babysitter (hangs up)

Justice pov: I was fucking panicking cause what the hell happened to my sister. I called Andrew and asked him to come over and baby sit. Within in 10 minutes he arrived. Who ever touched my sister is gone pay.

Theo: walks over to Damien) have you talked to myllion?

Damien: looking him up and down) Millie been broke up wit you , why you still worried about her?

Theo:(sighs) I brought her here. I saw her limping down the street

Damien: did she look bad ? She called me crying and telling me she needed help, I was on my way to pick her up

Theo: she's fucked up, who did this to her ?

Damien: her fucking fiancé ( balls his fist up) oooh imma kill that nigga, look call Justice . I'll be back (stands up)

Theo: just got off the phone with her she's on her way, said somebody about she needed somebody to babysit

Damien: fuck, I hope she had majesty, look I'll be back ( leaves )

Damien pov:my blood was boiling and right now the main thing I was worried about was where was majesty and I hope that nigga didn't hurt her cause I will catch a case over my sister and niece. I tried calling jay but she wasn't answering.  I got to major and Millie's house and started banging on the door. Soon that nigga opened I started beating his ass. I was getting the best of him until I heard sirens. The police just saved his life cause I was bout to kill his ass.

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