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Major's graduation party:

Major pov: I graduated today and I was so proud of myself. My family flew down here and we were having this huge barbecue at the park for me. We had the Dj, my uncle on the grill and everyone was enjoying themselves. Well almost everybody, I looked around  and myllion was no where to be found.

Angel:( walking over to myllion's car ) hey girlie you okay ?

Myllion:(sniffs and quickly wipes her face ) hey yeah I'm fine.

Angel: frowns) you're crying what's up? You can talk to me

Myllion: my dad's birthday was yesterday and today is my brother's birthday. I got them on my mind. Me and my mama got into it a couple weeks ago and we not cool. My sister and I fell out too. I'm worried about the next semester, I gotta run my business. It's just so much pressure on me and I can't handle it (breaks down) I can't do this no more.

Angel: aww Millie, everything is gonna work out in your favor. I know it seems like a lot but you just gotta keep pushing honey. You're gonna get through this. You're gonna make it ( grabs some tissue and hands it to her )

Myllion:( wipes her eyes ) I'm supposed to be celebrating with major on his special day and I can't even be happy for him. I feel like giving up so bad.

Angel:(sighs) myllion I want you to be super honest with me right now? Are you thinking about harming yourself ?

Myllion:( more tears fall, looks at her ) if it makes the pain go away

Angel: oh no honey, don't say that please. Nothing is worth harming yourself

Angel pov: me and Millie have grown extremely close since we met. She's the most amazing person ever. But she's been put through so much. She looked so tired. She had bags under her eyes and looked physically and emotionally drained which was not good. Then she admitted to wanting to harm herself and I do not want that to happen. I quickly pulled out my phone and called Major.

Major: y'all seen Millie?(walking over to his brothers)

Bros: nah not since earlier

Major:( answers his phone) Angie you seen Millie?

Angel: I'm with her right now , we in the car. She needs you bad right now

Major: what's wrong? She okay ?

Angel: sighs) no

( Major gets to the parking lot and walks over to the car )

Major: baby what's wrong ?

Myllion: nothing major go enjoy your party (wiping her face )

Major: forget that party, my main concern is making sure you're okay, talk to me (grabbing her hands)

Myllion: I'm just so tired Major (voice cracking ) I'm at my breaking point. I'm so tired

Angel: (sighs) she wants to harm herself

Major: no baby don't think like that okay. You got so much to live for. We're gonna have our baby and get married and move into a big house .(wiping her tears)

Myllion: I don't like feeling like this major. I got so much pressure on me.

Major: what's making you feel like that ?

Myllion: my family falling apart, running the salon and the online store and I still have a bunch of classes to take before I can graduate.

Major: wiping her tears ) baby you're putting a lot on yourself as far as school. You're cramming trying to get done a year early and you need to take your time. It's okay to spread your classes out. The work load is too much for you. Wit your business you know I'll help with whatever you need me to. You can show me how to do everything and I promise I'll help you 100% if that takes most of the stress off. I'm willing to help do whatever to take this pressure off because I don't even wanna think about you tryna kill yourself, cause I can't live without you.

Angel: you got so many people that love you Millie.You're apart of our family now and we're all here for you sis

Myllion:(sniffs and dries her eyes again) Thanks Angie

Major: come on stand up gimme some love, you know I got your back and imma help you through this hard time okay

Myllion:stands up and hugs him) okay

Major: kisses her ) I love you no matter what don't forget that

Myllion:(nods) I love you too

(Angel below)

(Angel below)

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