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Angel:(on FaceTime with Millie) um how are you feeling?

Myllion:(feeding the baby) I'm hurt honestly. He cheated on me and then he beats my ass. It was like he was a different person. He just kept punching me.

Angel: I'm so sorry Millie I really am

Myllion: what's wrong with him ? What are y'all not telling me.

Angel: sighs) when he was a kid he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder he's been taking his meds for years and he's never had an episode like this since then

Myllion: why the fuck y'all never told me !? What if I was still pregnant ? he would've killed our baby.

Angel: I'm sorry myllion but that was up to him. I kept telling him he needed to tell you

Myllion: sighs) I'm letting you know, he'll never see our daughter again

Angel: come on Millie don't take majesty from him please. He would never harm her

Myllion: I thought he would never harm me and look what happened.

Angel: my brother loves his daughter so much

Myllion: he's unfit! And they gave his ass 5 years in jail anyways so she won't even have to see him

Angel: look Millie I'm not taking sides at all but please I'm begging you, don't take my brother baby from him

Myllion: already in the process of getting full custody. Ain't shit you and nobody else can say or do (hangs up)

Myllion pov: I'm done with putting other people feelings first. I'm living for me and my baby and I gotta do what's best for us. I picked up my phone and called my sister.

Justice:(answers)wassup sissy?

Myllion: I need a really important favor from you

Justice: okay what is it?

Myllion: I want you to run the salon for me

Justice: omg you serious ?

Myllion: yes, you got manager experience and everything is pretty easy.

Justice: wait so you're moving ?

Myllion; as of right now no, but I just need to get my head together and focus on me and majesty right now. I need somebody to fill yasmine position and I know you can do it

Justice: well sissy I'm honored and I won't let you down

Myllion: thank you sis, I really appreciate it I swear

Justice: no problem

Major:(on the phone with his dad) dad she tryna take my baby from me, I can't let her take my baby. I didn't mean to hit her

M/d: son I'm trying to figure things out. I've been talking to attorney Shaw and hopefully she can contact myllion and work something out

Major: I'll go crazy with out my daughter. I messed up

M/d: Major relax we gone get it taken care of

Major pov: I did mean to hit myllion I really don't even remember everything. One minute she was hitting me and then I pushed her. But now my sister saying she's tryna to get full custody of majesty. I'm a great father, I know I am. Even if myllion don't want to be with me I still wanna be in my daughter's life.

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