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Myllion pov: I was on my way leaving out the building heading to the parking lot when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see Kaylah standing there. If y'all don't remember Kaylah was one of my best friends and her and Antonio started dating a little while.We ain't talked since the spring break trip. I don't really hold grudges so it ain't no hard feelings towards her. I just don't fuck with her or her sister Destiny.

Myllion: what you need ?

Kaylah: I know we not on good terms but I wanted to say I'm extremely sorry for your loss. Antonio was a great guy and he didn't deserve that. I wanted to come speak to you at the memorial but I didn't want to seem like I was trying to start anything. I just wanted to see how you and your family doing.

Myllion: thank you, we're okay. Just trying to get through it.

Kaylah: well once again my condolences to y'all

Myllion:  I appreciate it (walks to her car)

Myllion pov: I started my car and then made my way to the salon. My employees and clients were very understanding of why I wasn't working after my grand opening. Once I got inside I went into my office so I could get to work with doing my online orders. I work on my online orders the days I have class and then my free days is when I do hair. I checked my email and noticed it was a message from my bank from the day of my grand opening. I opened it and saw that Antonio had deposited a huge amount of money. It made me tear up because Tony always made sure our family was good. That was my ace for real, the best big brother anyone could have. Once our dad passed he really started helping out more. Made sure me and Justice got to school everyday. Anything we wanted he got. He kept money in our pockets. Man I miss him and our dad so much. I wish they could've made it out the streets.

Yasmine:( knocks on the office door) hey girlie

Myllion:( wipes her tears) hey girl, come on in

Yasmine:( comes in carrying some boxes) the delivery guy was bringing these as I was coming in

Myllion: thanks for grabbing them (helping her with them) I wonder who they're from( reading the label) aww they are so sweet

Yasmine: who is it ? You know I'm nosey (laughs)

Myllion:( laughs) major's siblings sent this one ( cutting it open) awww

Myllion pov: I opened the box and it had my favorite candy. A card, some bath relaxation essentials like bubble bath, epsom salt and bath bombs and it was a teddy bear with Angel wings and a halo above its head. This really made my day.

Yasmine: aww that is so sweet

Myllion: starts reading the card) Dear Myllion, we hope this package warms your heart and cheers you up. We understand the amount of pain you and your family have been put through and we know it's not easily. We pray that your heart is healed and you forever remember the good times you had with your brother.  We love you and we send our thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Ps. Congratulations on your grand opening ! Love the Brooks Family. ( tearing up) they are so nice.

Yasmine:(fanning her eyes )I gotta stop wearing make up

Myllion:(laughs a little and grabs the second box ) aww bubba ( rubbing the box before opening it and pulling the card out) Dear sissy, I love you forever and always. I am so proud and lucky to be your big brother. You have made me so proud over the years and I'm so happy that you're following your dreams. Continue to do big things. The world is yours and you deserve all the good things that's coming you way. Love bubba ( wipes her tears ) I really needed that

Yasmine: he loved you so much, I wish me and my brother were close

Myllion pov: Antonio had got me an infinity rose that had a picture of us in it. I carefully took it out and sat it right one my desk so I could look at it every single day. Once I got my self together me and Yasmine packaged up all the orders and got them dropped off at the post office before I headed home. Yasmine is a classmate of mine and I hired her to be my assistant manager. Her resume was full of management experience, she has amazing grades and she's cold as hell when it comes to hairstyling. She was looking for work to help her get through school and I'm glad I could help her out.

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