Chapter 12

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Raavi let herself be pulled by Shiva, as he sneaked them into the storeroom of block 3, where he knew no one would catch them because it was a blind spot for all cctv cameras.

As soon as Shiva clicked the door shut, he wrapped his arms around and pulled her in for a kiss. She had been annoying him the entire day, teasing him, intentionally flirting with him in front of the teachers which left him flustered, and texting him random things in the middle of his class; and he intended on giving her a taste of her own medicine.

Raavi giggled as soon as he kissed her. Mission successful. Her stupid bhoothnath had been leaving her mouth hanging dry with the visuals he gave her every morning, casually walking around the living room in a towel wrapped around his waist, and she fully intended on annoying him for revenge, which, by the look of it, was a successful revenge indeed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back just as fiercely, tugging onto his hair, thankful to the dim lighting that her tomato red face wouldn't be as visible.

Shiva tilted his head to kiss her deeper, one hand pulling her flush against him the other cupping her face, every so slowly biting her lower lip, knowing she'd be left wanting more.

If he knew anything about kissing her in the last few weeks of dating her, it was that she had no clue what a hot, passionate, full-blown make out session truly was. So, he decided, today would be a great day to teach her that.

Raavi gasped, feeling the tug on her lower lip and the swipe of his tongue against hers. She had read way too many descriptions of kisses in her romantic novels to know what this meant, but she had no clue how to. And she wasn't about to break, what she termed as a 'weak in the knees kiss' , for some stupid Q&A session of hers.

So she let instinct guide her, and she let him in, instantly yelping at the intrusion in her mouth, trying to keep up.

Shiva slowed down, allowing her to set the pace at her comfort, and when she got the hang of it, she kissed him back just as passionately, tasting mint, spice and something else entirely Shiva, tugging at his hair harder, his hands on her waist crushing her closer to himself.

He swore he could taste the damn mango ice cream she was gorging on a few minutes back, but she pulled back from their kiss, very clearly in need of air, which he had knocked out of her senses.

No issues here. None at all.

He kissed the corner of her lips, and she clutched his shoulders when she felt his beard scratch against her skin, his lips trailing kisses down her jaw, and to that spot below her ear.

"Oh!" Raavi shuddered, and Shiva knew he found it. He pressed his lips harder, leaving open mouthed kisses along the column of her neck, nipping and biting which left her breathless, before trailing his kisses back up to the spot, kissing her harder, hard enough to leave a nice, cute little purple mark for everyone to see.

"How-" She began to ask a question, which died in her throat, head woozy in the pleasure she was getting.

Just when she thought he'd touch her more, he raised his head from her neck, pecked her lips once and pulled out the clip that was holding her hair together.

"Don't want anyone seeing that today." Shiva smirked, setting her hair around her shoulders and winking, "I'll see you at home in the evening." He said, kissing her forehead and leaving the storeroom.

Control, Shiva. Control. Peeche mat mud, or else even you know you'll go back to her for round 2.

"What-" Raavi asked, dazed at the change of tension in a few seconds, staring at his retreating from.

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