Chapter 27

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Last chapter of this story, I've had the time of my life writing this, I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!

Special thank you to my Suppu for always beta-ing my writing ❤️


Shiva carried his sherwani and laid it out on the bed of his suite room, the view form his window a source of calm to his nerves that wouldn't seem to stop. 

It was his wedding day; a day he never thought he'd actually see. He was quite firm about his views towards the institution of marriage, but something changed when he met Raavi, and he was so glad it did. 

3 years with her had changed him for the good, and now, as they completed 4 years together on the same day as they were to be wed, it settled in; he was going to get to spend the rest of his life with the one that was scored on his heart. 

8 months. 8 months of planning, shopping, going through wedding cards and destinations had finally borne fruit; Shiva was going to marry his chipkali, his Raavi in the beautiful Palace of Udaipur, in the presence of his nearest and dearest ones. 

A weird excitement settled within him, and he smiled to himself as Gaurav, Shashank and his brothers walked in. 

A look of pride settled on their face, as they began to lay out the turban cloth, the jewelry and his shoes. Suman barged in too, claiming that she had ward off evil from her son, and told Shiva how happy his father would have been today to see him like this. 

Shiva hugged his mother, and Gautam, Dev, Krish joined the hug, as Shashank clicked a picture of the family as a part of their memories. 

Gaurav and Shashank couldn't believe that Shiva was getting married; the youngest of their lot, yet the most loving as they had watched his happiness only grow over the years. 

They stepped forward to hug Shiva, congratulating him with many emotions in the air, and they thumped his back, joking around and trying to diffuse the mood. 

Shiva looked around and knew he had everything he ever wanted, and he couldn't wait to see what life brought him ahead. 


Raavi walked around the hotel suite in her bathrobe, searching for her phone under the layers of clothes and makeup and general chaos.

The room looked like an absolute mess, the auspicious wedding time barely 3 hours away with her bridesmaids and family arranging her accessories and clothes on the bed, talking over each other, ensuing mayhem all over.

Raavi picked up her phone to call the make-up artist she had hired for the event. She had wanted everything to go perfectly according to plan; after all, it was her wedding day and she planned on getting married just once!

Shiva's messages popped up on her notification bar, and she barely had a moment to savor the sweet, flirty messages until her phone rang from the person she was looking to call.

The smile from her face dropped and she restlessly tapped her feet, rummaging through her makeup to make sure she had everything handy, opening her suitcase to take out her lehenga. 

The moment she unzipped the package, her heart sank to the bottom as she slowly started to panic. 

First, the make-up artist she had hired bailed out at the last minute. 

And now, she had the wrong wedding lehenga. 

How was that even possible? Raavi wondered as she set out the dark brown lehenga in front of her, the embroidery a bright golden color that completely contradicted the subtlety she was going for. 

Gehraiyaan - A ShiVi SSWhere stories live. Discover now