19 - Mr. Misunderstood

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I wanted to add this first part just because I thought it would be funny


Y/n escorted Willow home and she invited her in to look at the Sarget book she took. "Look, I read a little before trying to sleep and it says they don't attack people but they have a history of having thoughts like us and making deals with witchlings to hunt their enemies for them." Willow explains holding the book up for Y/n to see.

"Is there any photos of the eyes?" Y/n asks, bending down to see the book, since Willow was shorter than her. "Koda saw red dots in the one we caught."

Willow turned it back around and flipped through the pages then showed her a page with the sarget's body, eyes, wings, and other useful information of its physical being. "The eyes isn't red at all..." She muttered. "What does that mean for the one we found? Does it have some sort of disease?"

"I dunno, we might have to ask an expert, or maybe Eda knows." She suggests and puts the book back on her desk.

"Maybe Marley knows. He has all those expert potions and cures, he might know some information too." Y/n says.

"Potion master, curse expert, and info broker? Yeah, having him around is pretty handy." Willow chuckled.

"Okay, I'm gonna go back for now and try to wake up Hunter. Eda said I can't cure him in his sleep or it will be painful." She says and tries to climb back out her window without knocking her potted plants over. "See ya Dandelion."

"Willow?" An unfamiliar voice to Y/n called from Willow's door. "Who is this?"

Willow and Y/n froze. "Uh..."

"Willow, you never told me you were seeing someone."

"What? No, dad, that's not-" Willow tried to explain but her dad cut her off in excitement.

He went over to Y/n and took her hand. "Alright, come on down. I'll make some food and we can talk."

Y/n had a look of irritation, confusion, and anxiety on her face. He didn't say that she was Willow's girlfriend, did he? And he's making her stay? She had to get back to the house with Hunter incase he woke up.

Gilbert had the girls sit beside each other and he made some quick food for them that would take some time to cook but he would talk with them while it was cooking. "So, what is your name?"

Y/n sighed and hoped that it would be over quickly so she played along, but it only last for a second. He seemed more kind and happy than angry and protective. "Y/n..." He stared intensely at her like he was waiting for her to say more. "Uh.... Y/n L/n."

"So how long have you known Willow?"

"Sir, you have the wrong idea."

He smiled warmly but with a hint of craze. "How old are you hun?"


"Oh... I see..."

"Sir, I would really love to stay but I have a friend waiting for me at home and I really need to get back to him-"

"Is this friend a child too?"

Y/n narrowed her eyes. "What are you insinuating?" She growled. "I cannot be wasting my time here, my friend needs my help! And if he ends up hurting someone because you think I'm a-"

Willow stopped her. "Just go, I'll explain to him." She pushed her off and Y/n ran out the front door, making sure to close it quietly.

Gilbert looked back to his daughter with his arms crossed. "Who was that?"

"A friend..." Willow sighed as she explained to him what was going on.

Y/n ran home quickly, holding her bag to make sure the bottles didn't break in there. When she got home she didn't care about being quiet, she slammed the door open to see Hunter standing in the middle of the room, the moon in the window lit him up just enough to see him, but his face was in the shadow.

"Hunter! You're awake, great! Sit down I got you a-" But as she walked over to him he grabbed her by her throat and threw her across the room. "ACK!" The commotion woke up everyone else and they all came down stairs to see what's going on.

Y/n was in pain but in a panic stumbled back to her feet. "Is this normal!?" She exclaimed through staggering breathes.

Eda called Owlbert to her. "It's a 50/50 chance that he's possessed when he wakes up!" Eda explained. "He's still technically asleep, just pin him down and snap him out of it!"

"Can I give him the Pidekay?!" She asks as she pulls out Melanie.

Eda's eyes widen. "You have it?" Y/n briefly explained that she just got back from the night market. "Well use it before he tears you in half!" She demands and stalls Hunter for her.

Y/n reached for her bag and felt around for the bottles only to cut her hand. She winced in pain and took her bag off to looked through only to see that both bottles shattered. "No no no, no! They broke! They mixed together!"

"Crap." Eda cursed. "Just! Talk to him, wake him up!" She says and Luz froze his feet to the floor and tied his arms to his side using abomination muck.

Y/n's heart was racing and she was breathing rapidly. "Hunter, look at me..." She slowly walked over to him with Melanie armed in front of her. "I know you have a strong will, and you don't want to hurt me. It's okay, just wake up and we can figure everything out." He furrowed his eyebrows and yelled in frustration, breaking the muck that tied him and the ice that trapped him in place.

Y/n jumped onto him and wrapped her arms around his to keep them from moving but he kneed her hip which weakened her and he threw her again. Eda and Luz try to swing at him with their weapons but he used his Palisman to send an abomination after them. They were trapped and unable to held, as well as King who had his mouth covered so he couldn't attack with sound waves and Hooty who was paralyzed again. Rip Hooty.

Y/n was too weak after this throw because she dislocated her shoulder and knocked the wind out of her. She wheezed on the floor in pain as Hunter approached her with his Palisman in hand, ready to stab it through her.

At the last second she pulled the Palisman in his hand past her head and grabbed his hand to pull him down onto her. He fell and she wrapped her arms around his neck and whimpered into his ear. "Please wake up." She pleaded.

He suddenly went limp and his head fell onto her shoulder. She breathed heavily and shook him a little with her unharmed arm, to make sure he was okay. When she shook him he hugged tighter and she felt something wet seep through her shirt onto her shoulder. "Hunter?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" He whimpered quietly and buried his face deeper into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry.."

Y/n relaxed. "It's okay." She said with in an exhale and patted his head to comfort him. "You're okay..."


Published: March 30, 2022

Next chapter will be long

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