Chapter Three

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The luminous sun shone through the various types of trees. The twigs crunched underfoot, his feet shuffling through indistinguishable detritus. Birds sang, squirrels chattered, the trees waved. Stu Macher walked through the forest, returning back to the little cabin that he and Billy were secretly staying in. A substantial amount of leaves scattered across the forest floor, crunching under Stu's feet. 

The tantalising aroma of fresh coffee and bacon and eggs flared Stu's nostrils, teasing and tormenting him with the smell that was irresistibly unobtainable. Stu had just came back from collecting wood for the fireplace in the cabin. Billy had demanded him to get some while he cooked their breakfast.

Stu arrived at the venerable cabin. Smoke came out of the chimney and the windows from what Stu assumed was the oven. Stu entered the cabin and took off of his shoes which revealed his bright, neon green socks. He walked over to the fireplace and placed the wood inside. Suddenly, a voice came from behind him. "Have you heard?"

Stu whipped around to see Billy who had a serious look on his alluring face. Billy sat on a black, leather sofa with a mug of coffee in his one hand a newspaper in another. He legs were prompted on a stained glass coffee table. "Have I heard what?" Stu asked nervously.

Billy placed his mug on the table and threw the newspaper at Stu who reluctantly caught it. Stu looked down at the newspaper and skimmed through it. He threw it back to Billy who stared at him sharply. "There's been two murders," Billy said. 

"I'm sure it's nothing. People die everyday, especially by murder. It's a weekly thing," Stu said, chuckling, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Oh, yeah. It's definitely nothing." Billy said sarcastically. Stu gulped. "Y/N's out there. Out in the real world, in college, surrounded by mysterious people. How'd we know that she's safe? The murdered could easily be roaming Windsor college's halls, Stu."

Stu hadn't thought of this. He rubbed his neck nervously. "True. When can we see her, Billy? I wanna see her."

"I want to see her as much as you do, Stu, but I told you that it's not time yet. We've got a possible serial killer on our hands."

"I bet you it's that movie. The Woodsboro Murders or something like that."

"Stab," Billy corrected him, "All written by that little irritable, snobby fucking bitch Gale Weathers." 

Stu eyed Billy nervously. Billy was now full of anger and worry. Stu moved uncharacteristically into the kitchen. The smell of bacon, eggs and coffee flared his nostrils, creating a spectacular combination. He put some bacon and eggs onto two plates and he filled up a mug of coffee for himself. Stu moved back into the living room, sitting next to Billy. He gave Billy his plateful of food.

Billy was looking forward, like he was in some sort of daydream. Stu greedily gobbled his down, ketchup on his lips and chin. 

"It's always someone you know."

Stu looked up at Billy who had stood up, leaving his food untouched. Stu wiped ketchup from his lips and chin. "It's always someone you know. Always. That's how it was with us," Billy said. Stu didn't know what to say. He would end up saying something stupid or irrelevant. "Uhh... are you gonna eat that?"

 Billy shook his head and disappeared up the creaky stairs. Stu shrugged his shoulders and ate Billy's food too.

Upstairs, Billy stood under the shower. The hot, steamy water ran down his body. He stood under the shower, water profusely running down his body. He thought about you. He thought about the terrible danger that you could be in. You could be dead for what he knew but he tried his best not to think that. 

He will kill anyone who touches you or injures you. He was willing to get arrested to save you. He was willing to die for you. You were his final girl. Always and forever. He wouldn't let anything happen to you, even if he had to brutally murder someone. 

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now