Chapter Seven

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You stand on the porch next to Derek and Sidney, his arms around her. Your face has gone numb and your eyes hide an unfathomable emotion that can't fully be understood and explored. "It's starting all over again," you say, breaking the deafening silence. "It can't be," Sidney replies. 

"Sid, do you ever think that maybe the killer(s) is either Billy or Stu?" you ask, staring at Sidney with wide eyes.

"It's impossible. They're dead. You shot them both, right?"

Your body freezes. Is she catching on that their still alive, hiding somewhere?  "I know but there's a possibility they survived."

"I highly doubt it, Y/N. They bled out, we saw it," Sid says doubtfully.

 "Yeah.. yeah.. silly me. I'm overthinking it..." 

Or were you?

"Lemme take you both home," Derek says. 

"I'll get my jacket. Sid, are you coming?" you ask. Sidney nods and follows you inside the house.

You, indifferent, move through the open front door, back inside the house. Your face and mind is detached from what is going on. Derek remains on the porch, watching the spectacle. Slowly, the front door closes and you and Sidney are alone. 

You move through the living room, Sidney following you from behind. You grab your jacket when the phone abruptly rings. You look at it suspiciously and Sidney looks at you knowingly. You reach for it and answer. "Hello?"

"Hello, Y/N."

The voice is low and haunting. Beside you, Sidney closes her eyes. When she opens them again, tears are visible but she tries hard to not let them fall. Your voice cracks as you speak. "Who are you? Is this Billy and Stu?" There's silence. Deafening. "Hello? Billy, Stu, is that you? Is it one of you?"


"Then who the fuck are you?"

"Soon, Y/N, soon."

"What do you want?" Tears are slowly sliding down your cheeks. 

"To see every ounce of blood drain from your body."

The voice sounds venomous and evil. It's more seductive and alluring. You don't flinch. You stay steady. Sidney breaths heavily next to you. "Oh, yeah? Then come and get me!" And with that you hang up the phone, slamming it down. There's a small momentary silence before a voice comes from behind you. "My pleasure."

You and Sidney spin around and Ghostface stands right in front of you. But not the one from the movie theatre. The one from your nightmare's long ago. It stands in the foyer archway, staring at you both. It's a sustained moment. You don't move a muscle. You stare at Ghostface, waiting for him to pounce any minute. Sidney stands still too, watching Ghostface's every move. Then, Ghostface withdraws a long, sharp hunting knife which is blood stained. 

Ghostface leaps at you. You and Sidney bolt away, screaming. You manage to dodge him by inches. On the porch, Derek hears your screams. He turns to the front door. He finds it locked and starts to beat on it. "Sid? Y/N?"

In the living room, you dodge Ghostface who threw himself at you, just missing the knife's blade. As you try running through the living room, you trip over a wire that connects to the TV. You face plant the floor and Sidney attempts to fight Ghostface off of her. She lands on the floor, clutching her aching wrist. Ghostface flips you over onto your back and stands over you. He cuts your arm with the knife and blood profusely pours out. He drags the knife down to your wrist but he fails as you scream loudly and kick him off you, which resulted him falling backwards. 

You stand up and help Sidney onto her feet. You both bolt through the living room and to the front door. You clutch your bleeding arm tightly as blood covers your hand and arm substantially. Derek beats on it from outside. "SID! Y/N!"

"Derek! He's in the house.... help us..." Sidney cries. 

You struggle with the door; there are too many locks. Ghostface is already upon you. You look to the stairs but think better of it, and you run through the dining room, Sidney trailing along. On the front porch, Derek is going nuts trying to get into the house. He moves along the porch to the windows, looking through. He watches as Ghostface chases you and Sidney into the kitchen. Derek rears his foot and kicks in the window. 

You move through the kitchen to the back door. You struggle with the lock as Sidney fights Ghostface behind you. You manage to open the back door and you fly out of it, grabbing Sidney and pulling her with you. The yard is large and fenced with lots of oak trees. You fly down the front porch and into the yard. You move across it, passed trees and shrubs. You spot a closed fence door in the back of the yard. You look behind you to find nothing. "Where did he go?" you ask, looking around.

"I don't know. He didn't follow us," Sidney says, panting for breath.

You scan the yard cautiously. Ghostface has completely disappeared. You and Sidney move behind a big tree, hiding behind it. Sidney stops, catches her breath, then peers from behind the tree. Fortunately, the yard is empty. You go for the fence door, slowly moving around the tree. 

Suddenly, there's a noise in the darkness. You spin around, still making your way around the tree, moving backwards, walking right into a figure. You scream, spinning around, finding yourself face to face with Cici's body. It hangs and dangles from a tree, her stomach ripped open leaving a bloody mess. You and Sidney scream in unforgettable horror. You both step back, falling right into the arms of Dewey. You turn, screaming wildly. "It's okay. It's okay. It's just me."

He takes the both of you into his arms, comforting you, as you hold on for dear life. 

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now