Chapter Four

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You walk across the courtyard. The luminous green grass smelled fresh and it flared your nostrils. It created a spectacular, picturesque scenery. You did your best to endeavour past the news reporters flashing their cameras at you with big toothy smiles. As you walked across the greenery, you see a newsvan pulling up.

A newsvan pulls up and and parks next to a trough of other newsvans and reporters. Some are doing live remotes, others ready themselves for the next onslaught. Gale gets out of the newsvan, her cellular affixed to her ear. "I don't know.... no-one's talking. What's the studios position? Never happen. They'd be stupid to pull the movie. With all this free press - they're gonna have huge numbers this weekend. It'll break box office records. Of course I have bumps."

The cameraman looked awfully familiar to you but you can't seem to picture it. The sun beamed right into your eyes so you had to squint to take a better look.

Gale's cameraman can be seen behind her, in the van fussing with equipment. "I need two minutes at 6 o'clock. I wanna do piece on the slain kids - no sympathy shit - let's stick with the movie angle. I wanna pull a clip from an old film."

Gale turns to the cameraman, snapping her fingers. "Hey, what was the name of that movie?"

The guy looks up at her. It's Randy. Two years older but still a charming, witty jokester. Your eyes widened. Randy's new job was a cameraman. Randy had been talking about getting a job for weeks and this was it. A cameraman. Not a comedian, or an accountant or an author. A cameraman for Gale Weathers. 

"He Knows You're Alone. MGN/UA. 1980. Tom Hank' first film," Randy replied proudly.

Gale speaks into the phone again. "He Knows You're Alone. Yeah, find it. Don't worry, I've got it covered... I have a plan. Yeah, I'll get it. Give it a rest - I said I'll get it. Later." Gale hangs up the phone, turning to Randy. "I'll be right back."

As Gale goes off somewhere, you approach Randy with a stern expression on your face. "Randy?"

Randy whips around and gives you a warm smile. "Y/N, hi."

You look him up and down. He stands awkwardly. "Am I dressed weirdly? Is there something on me?" he asks nervously.

"No. Randy, are you kidding me? You're a cameraman. A cameraman. You could've gone for something decent!"

"Hey, hey, woah there! It's the only job I can get around here at the moment. Besides, your brother would agree," he winks.

"What's this gotta do with Hayden? Just because he tells you to do a job doesn't mean you have too do it."

"This isn't about Hayden, Y/N. It's only temporarily. This won't be my job forever."

You look down in guilt, mad at yourself. You slap yourself in the forehead and tie the straps on your backpack. You couldn't get mad at Randy. He was such an innocent softie. You didn't like Gale much which is why you disapproved. Maybe she isn't that bad, you thought. The sun blinds your eyes momentarily before sinking behind the trees. 

"God, I'm sorry, Randy. I sound so selfish. I'm acting like a jerk," you apologise.

"It's okay. In the end of the day, you're still my best friend. Always will be, no matter what happens." You sigh and pull him in a soft hug. His clothes smelt like strong cologne and pretzels from the night before. Just as you pull away, Gale approaches. 

"Hello, Y/N." You wave at her. Then, she turns to Randy. "Pressure's on. You ready for this?"

Randy holds up his camera, stoked. "I'm there, man. No worries. I got ya covered. I'm so there. That's why I'm here - because I'm there." Randy turns to you. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now