Chapter Ten

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Comprised of several floors, the student union looks like a mini mall. A cafeteria, a book store, movie theatre, arcade, etc. fill the place. ale moves through the lobby area when she sees Debbie Salt heading her off. She tries to bolt but she's not fast enough. "Hi, Gale, any leads?"

"Tons and tons." Gale fake smiles.

"Where is Sidney's father?"

"Home - where he lives."

"What about Y/N's mom and brother?" Debbie asks. 

"They're both at home. Her mother and her brother, Hayden, contact her every now and then."

"And are the police sure about that?"

"Why don't you ask them?" Gale's eyes are flaring with anger and annoyance. Her happy demeanour is now gone. 

"Already did. They're the perfect suspect. Don't you think?"

"No, I don't."

"Parents are always responsible. It all starts in that home. Y/N's brother, however, is a different story."

Gale scoffs. "Look, I know you kinda hold me up as your career template and it gives you some anal charge to challenge me but you win. Okay? I'm not interested in the scoop anymore. Excuse me." Gale charges off, moving to a nearby newsstand. The tabloid papers exploit what's going on. Crazy headlines about the murders dominate the news rack. Gale is bothered by this. Just then, a phone rings. She pulls it out from her pocket.


"Hello, Gale." It's the killer. His voice is unmistakable. 

"Who is this?"

"I'll give you one guess."

Gale knows who it is immediately. She looks around for help. A campus cop is across the lobby. "Who are you?"

"That's not the way we play the game."

"I don't play games."

"What if your life depended on it?"

Gale gets testy with him. "What do you want?"

"You're pretty when you're angry." Gale stops cold. She looks around. The place is alive with people. He could be anywhere. Lurking. 

"Where are you?"

"I'm everywhere."

Gale continues moving to the campus cop. "Oh - a God complex."

"Stay away from the cop," he says, his voice deadly. Gale stops moving. She plays it cool. She looks above her to the upper floor. Students hang over a balcony. "What do you want from me?"

"It's what you want from me."

"What do you mean?"

"You are writing another book, aren't you? That's why you're here. The story isn't over, especially for Y/N and Sidney."

"You're getting obvious," Gale scoffs.

"No, Gale, I'm just getting started. See ya soon."

"No, wait!"

"Watch your back." 

The phone goes dead. Gale spins around, doing a quick circle to make sure no-one's around her. She turns and heads off, right into Dewey. They both gasp. 


A rehearsal is in progress in a large, tiered theatre. It can seat five hundred people. It's old but preserved and updated. Eight actors stand stage centre running lines as stagehands work on the set around them. You are one of them. You move around the stage, very animated. You don a Russian accent. "Pain, yeah, such pain. Pain," you act aloud. Sidney then says her line next to you. 

There's an awkward silence. Everyone looks at each other. Finally, Lois, the bitchy sorority girl speaks up. "That's not the line. You jumped."

"Shit. Did I?" Embarrassment floods your cheeks. 

"About a page."

The director on the side shouts cut. The actors break up as you, frustrated, walk across a make shift bridge that takes you across the orchestra pit and down the stairs into the house where Hallie sits watching. Sidney follows you. Your bodyguards can be seen sitting, scattering about.

"That was good," Hallie tells you both.

"Yeah, right," Sidney scoffs.

The director, mid 30's, intelligent and friendly, walks up to you. "Sid, Y/N, why don't you get outta here? We'll pick this up tomorrow." You and Sidney nod in agreement. The director smiles at you. "And Y/N, work on that accent."

You grab your things and head off with Hallie and Sidney when a familiar voice calls you. "Y/N?"

You turn to see Randy moving through an aisle. He had been watching your rehearsal. Your face tenses, as well as Sidney's. "Who is that guy?" Hallie asks, "he's always with you."

"It's okay. Look, Hallie, Sidney, I'll meet you both outside."

"No, girletta, I don't leave your side!" Hallie says.

"I've got my entourage. Take a break. Please," you plead. Hallie and Sidney back off, heading up the aisle.

"What do you want, Randy?"

"I'm sorry, Y/N, please. I never should have gone along with Gale. I know I'm stupid. I wish I had some good reason to give you but I'm stupid. Please, Y/N, don't be mad at me. You're my best friend." Although he's trying to hide it, you can hear the pain in his voice.

"Do you work for her now?" you ask.

"Well, yeah... she gave me a job. Freelance. It got me outta Woodsboro. I'm sorry about yours and Sidney's encounter with Cotton and yesterday. It was a bad idea. I knew it was a bad idea but it seemed like a quasi harmless bad idea. Ah, shit, Y/N, I'm fucked up."

You look at him long and hard, a smile slowly appearing. "Me too, Randy. Me fucking too."

He nods, knowingly before embracing you in a quick hug. 

"Wanna get outta here, Randy?" you ask. You love Randy, you really do. He could do some stupid shit but you would forgive him easily. He was too warmhearted and funny to not forgive. 

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now