Chapter Twenty-Four

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June 21st, 1997, 3 weeks later

You were in a church, sat on a chair at Randy's funeral. The funeral was sweet and sorrow with friends and family sat on the seats, tissues in their hands. You wore a black dress and black high heels. Your hair was in a ponytail that was tied up with a black ribbon.

Sidney sat next to you, sniffing loudly. Gale and Dewey sat either side, glancing at you occasionally. You told Billy and Stu not to come because it wasn't safe. You wanted them to hide their identity and not let people they were alive.

At the front of the church, Martha, Randy's sister, was saying a speech in front of a podium. Tears streamed down your cheeks as Sidney and Gale comforted you, squeezing your shoulder. On the seat opposite you, you could see Mindy and Karen, Randy's two older sisters. Martha finished with her speech and called you up. 

"Go on, Y/N.." Gale whispers.

You stand up and reluctantly walk over to the podium as Martha goes to her seat. Randy's coffin is in front of the podium. You take a deep breath as everyone in the church stares at you. "Hi, I-I'm Y/N L/N and I stand here today to pay tribute to a kind and amazing soul, an indulgent heart and a smart mind - the most precious and important person in my life: Randy Meeks.

After you take another deep breath, you start your extremely well planned speech. "Randy was my best friend. He was my closest friend. He was truly extraordinary. So was our eighteen year old friendship. I could tell him anything and everything and he wouldn't judge. He'd sit an listen and give me advice. W-when my father left, Randy hugged me tight and caressed the back of my head, telling me it was all gonna be okay. And he was correct. I was great for months."

"Randy would joke around, even in there worst times. He would always make people laugh and smile without a fail. Knowing him was a pleasure. I met him when I was two years old and from then on, it was the greatest thing I've ever done. We laughed together, we smiled together, we judged people together, we did everything together." Tears pour down your cheeks uncontrollably. You can feel yourself almost breaking down. "We had our ups and downs but we made up because our friendship was too pure to break.

"Randy's best qualities were kindness and smartness. He'd always be kind to others and me. He always stuck up for me and always told me kind words to make my day brighter.

"He used to work in Blockbuster, a VHS tape store. Randy was a horror movie nerd and knew almost everything about them. He was a very knowledgeable person with a healthy brain. Horror movies was also his passion," you chuckled. 

Tears blurred your vision slightly. It broke your heart to say all of this. Never in a million years did you think this day would come. You thought that you'd survive together. "His relationship with his family and friends were brilliant. He always made them laugh, even at the stupidest jokes."

"I learned one thing from Randy - always live your life to the fullest and don't wish your life away. He always taught me to enjoy life, to enjoy the laughter and the fun because one day it won't happen again. He told me that one day you won't be able to laugh and have fun again because your life will be over. Your time will be up."

You stop momentarily and turn your back to the audience. You look at the picture of Randy that is behind you, prompted up against the wall. "I wish you followed your own advice Randy," you whisper. You turn back around and continue talking.

"Thank you everyone for being here today to pay your respects and understand how amazing Randy truly was."

Everyone applauded at your speech and started to leave, waiting in the graveyard to see Randy be buried. Sidney, Gale and Dewey approach you, hands behind their back. "Y/N, we'll be waiting outside, okay?" Dewey says. "We'll leave you alone to say your goodbyes." You nod your head and they exit the church, leaving you alone in the silence.

You walk over to Randy's picture and stand in front of it. Tears pour down your cheeks profusely. "I did it, Randy. I fucking did it. I survived. I survived for you. You get your justice and you get to rest in peace," you say quietly. 

"It's time for me to leave you. I need to get over you. I can't lie in the grief process forever because it'll ruin me. But Randy, just know that I love you. I really fucking do. But now it's time we part."

You walk to Randy's shiny oak coffin and put your hand on top of it. "Goodbye," you whisper. You shut your eyes tight and let the tears fall in large amounts.

A/N: And the second book is over! It's been an amazing journey, especially coming this far. I just hit 1K reads on this book and 4K on the other, so thank you. There will be a third book at some point. I'll possibly get started on it tomorrow <333

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