Chapter Nine

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Bright stars glowed in the sky, illuminating the atramentous sky. The fluorescence moon also illuminated the sky, casting daggers of light across your faces. A black to navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon; the night sky so clear you could almost see every crater. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow. 

"Isn't it beautiful?" you say softly. "Isn't it beautiful lying here in the silence, staring up at the sky and watching the stars glisten in the dark sky?"

"Yes, it is," Billy replies. He watches you with unwavering gaze as you stare at the night sky. "Beautiful like you."

You blush and turn on your side, facing Billy, who is also on his side. "You're rather charming, you know?"

"That's just my trait. It's in my blood," he smirks.

You laugh out loud and it echoes across campus. The only sounds audible are the chirps of crickets, the rustle of leaves blowing in the wind and yours and Billy's boisterous laughter. You both sit up slightly. He leans towards you, wrapping his arm around your delicate waist. He pulls you close to him. You giggle softly in his ear as his lips linger on your neck. 

He pulls away and plants a soft kiss on your lips. Your stomach swarms with intense butterflies. He kisses you again and pulls you on top of him, kissing you passionately. 

Billy awoke from his dream by Stu's alarming voice. "Billy, there's been another damn murder!"

Billy sits up, rubbing his eyes. The sun shines through the window, blinding Billy's eyesight momentarily. The dream he had was amazing. He didn't want it to end. He would do anything to have you back in his arms again. The smell of cologne and fresh grass flare his nostrils. "What do you mean there's been another murder?"

"I mean there's been another murder, Billy! A girl called Cici Taylor."

"For fucks sake," Billy groans.

"It's a copycat killer. They're trying to copy us - the Woodsboro killers. They killed someone called Maureen Evans who has the same name as Sidney's mother. Then, they killed someone called Phil Stevens who has the same surname as Steven fucking Orth. It's the same with Cici Taylor  - Casey Becker."

Billy takes all of this in. "They're copying us. They're trying to remake it. Y/N isn't safe anymore."

"I know, which is why we need to go to her and protect her. And most importantly, kill the copycat killer." 

Billy thinks for a few minutes before smirking vindictively. "He's gonna pay, don't you worry. They wouldn't dare touch her. I don't give two shits about Sidney. As long as Y/N is unscathed and is in good hands, that's all that matters."

Forever Yours (Billy Loomis X Reader) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now