Chapter Fourteen

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You sit on your knees in the assembly hall in front of a picture of Randy, which is on a frame on the stage. Flowers surround it, sending a nice smell up your nostrils. 

You grasp a picture of you and Randy smiling at the camera

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You grasp a picture of you and Randy smiling at the camera. You can remember that day well. It was the summer of 1996, 3 months before the murderous killing spree. You and Randy went to the beach. You both had ice cream, you went on the fair rides, you went on the beach. It was the best day of your life. It was a day you could never forget. You were happy. You were joyful.

You can also remember Randy's seventeenth birthday.


May 25th, 1996, Randy's birthday

The sun was shining. Birds were singing in the sky, cars were driving past, kids played in the park boisterously, teenagers were on their skateboards, dogs barked in their gardens. All was great. You walked across the pavement, humming happily. You were on your way to Randy's house and you had a bagful of presents in your hand.

You arrived at Randy's house and you knocked on the door nonchalantly. A dog barking and a young girl shouting can be heard inside. You assumed it was his younger sister Martha. 

Martha answers the door. "Hi, Y/N!"

"Hi, Martha. Is Randy home?"

"Yes! He's just in the living room. Come on in." 

Martha opens the door wide and you stepped in. His house wasn't as rich and posh as the rest of your friends. His family wasn't very wealthy. 

You walked down the hallway and into the living room where you saw Randy sat on the sofa, admiring his presents. He noticed you come in and he gave you a wide smile. "Happy Birthday!" you exclaim. You sit down next to him and you give him a warm hug. 


"Here's your presents!" You hand him the bag of presents and he starts to open them. He opened his first present which was a handful of sherbet straws.

He finishes opening all of his presents and he embraces you in a gigantic hug. "Thank you, Y/N. You didn't have to get me all this."

"Oh but there's one more!" You pulled out a present from your pocket. He took it off of you politely and he excitedly opened it. It was a VHS tape of his favourite horror movie, Halloween. "Thanks, Y/N. You're seriously amazing. I've been wanting this for ages!"


The flashback ends and the next thing you knew, tears are streaming down your face. You place the small framed picture next to his big picture. Your bottom lip quivers and your tears fall onto the floor. Your heart is shattered into uncountable pieces. "Randy, why did you leave me? Why did you leave me so soon? I wasn't ready," you whisper-sob. Pictures of Randy flood your mind. You can hear his voice in your mind telling you it's going to be okay.

"It's not gonna be okay, Randy! Don't you see? You're gone. You're gone f-f-forever. You left me. You left me in the worst moment. You're so s-stupid for snatching the phone off of me! I shouldn't have let you. You'd still be a-alive!" Your proper sobbing now. "Why did you leave me? Why, why, WHY?" You shout the last part and it echoes through the hall. You slam your fist down on the floor. Your eyes are puffy and red from crying but you just can't stop. You look at your hand and it's bright red. 

"You see what you've done to me, Randy? You've broke me. I don't think I'll get through this without you. I can't get through this without you. I don't think I'll ever find happiness again," you whisper. "You got me through everything. You comforted me when I was at my worst. You never failed to make me laugh. You always joked around, even in the worst moments. You were there for me when my father left me. You let me sob into your shoulder while you hugged me tight and caressed the back of my head. Remember when you'd stick up for me if I was getting picked on? I'm forever thankful."

You talk a little louder now. "We always went out to the park or the beach. I'd always buy VHS tapes from Blockbuster and you'd give them to me for free. I worked with you sometimes and even though it was stressful, you always brought me back on my feet. Remember the time when we went out to the movies with Sidney, Tatum, Stu and Billy? We ate popcorn and we drank soda. Then we went to Stu's for a sleepover. Billy and Stu played charades."

"You always made me happy. You always told me that smiling is contagious and it makes me beautiful. You always told me that I'm worth it and I need to enjoy life with every moment I have. You told me that I need to conquer my fears. You told me to not wish my life away. You always told me to not let my bullies get to me. You told me to not let childish people get to me and to ignore all hurtful words."

You pause and take a deep breath before continuing. "How did you do it, Randy? How did you smile all the time? How did you laugh all the time? How did you always stay happy? How? How did you do it?"

"I believe that no person truly dies until people forget about them, which means if you never forget someone, they're not truly dead. They're alive in your heart," you say. Your breath is shaky. You're unstable but you hold on. 

"Remember when I was gonna talk to you earlier about something before your friend, Joseph, interrupted? Well now's my chance to say it." You hesitate for a second. "I'm sorry for being so jealous when you were with Sidney. I'm sorry if I wasn't the best to you these past few days. I'm sorry for being a selfish, self-centred bastard. I've had so much trauma and stuff on my mind lately that it's caused me to have unwanted feelings. I get angrier and I end up lashing out on people. But please know that I'm so fucking sorry... so so fucking sorry. I-I didn't want you to die like this."

"It's stupid, me talking to absolutely nothing. But I hope that you're somehow out there, listening to my words in Heaven. I'll never forget you, Randy. I've known you for eighteen years, that's almost all of my life. You'll always be in my heart no matter what. I'll come to your grave everyday."

"But just know, Randy, that you changed my life. You changed it so much that it's undescribable. You're my hero. I hate myself knowing that I never got to say how much I love you and how much you've changed me."

You lean out to touch his picture. You drag your hand down. You can smell his cologne so clearly it's like he's there. You can smell the peppermint he used to eat. 

"Please come back... I still need you. I can't imagine a world with you gone. It just doesn't feel the same. It doesn't feel right. I'm lost... I'm lost without you. Can you hear me screaming at the top of my lungs how sorry I am and how much I want you back?"

You officially reached breaking point. You hyperventilate, you sob, you scream. "I-I love you, Randy..."

Suddenly, the hall door opens. Genevieve walks in, staring at you with guilt in her eyes. She walks towards you. She kneels down next to you and she opens her arms wide. You stare at her before going into her arms, hugging her tightly and crying into her shoulder. 

You were unstable. You were weak and vulnerable. But you were going to hold on for Randy. You were going to stay strong for him because you know he would've wanted that.

A/N: I literally sobbed while writing this chapter. But the next chapter we'll be back on track and back to the scariness, blood and death. 

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